Team sign up for Spinzilla is coming up soon. I was wondering if we should sponsor a team? What do you think?!


Erica J

Is anyone interested in incorporating their Spinzilla efforts with Halloweave? Both events celebrate Weaving and Spinning Week!


heard of Spinzilla but don't know much about it - where can I find some details - it could be a challenge to spin and weave every day in October!

ellenspn (not verified)

Isn't Spinzilla just one week?

Erica J

Spinzilla is just one week, 5-11 Oct., during Halloweave. Our members could either extend their spinning challenge, or u se e their own handspun in their Halloweave challenge.

See this site for more information


Have been getting ready for this event since the end of June.  Comb, comb, comb that fiber and get it predrafted for spinning.  Got all 4 fleeces done, bobbins have all new leaders and not just have to get the food ready for the week so DH and son don't starve.  Telling everyone not to bother me too much over that week and will be incommunicato.

Am on team Kromski for my first effort in this event. Would not have done this if I did not have a plan for the fiber.  It will all go on my 8 shaft loom!

Erica J

In preperation for Spinzilla into Halloweave, I began refreshing my memory by watching some spinning videos.  I just happened to have some great fibre for worsted spinning. So I  worked on my short forward draw tonight.

I am really pleased to say that I did my first ever wheel tune up over the weekend. I think if I had had the sense to do that when I borrowed my mom's wheel 12 years ago, I would probably be a much more practiced spinner today. C'est la vie, at least I learned eventually!  ;)

Erica J

I just realised it's not only Spinzilla, but it's also Wool Week here in the UK. Here are some of the yarns I've spun this week, in keeping with both events!


I'm not participating in the Spinzilla challange, just don't have the time available to devote to serious spinning yet. I so need to practice much much more. Maybe this doesn't belong here since I'm not involved with Spinzilla.


I did find a few mins last week to spin a small bit on my newest spindle I bought from a fellow Raveler. This is a Mosaic turquoise natural stone top whorl spindle. The top I'm using on it in the photos was sent to me along with the spindle. The lady sent a nice little bag of this roving along with a small accessory bag and a few other nice items. It is a camel/silk blend that spins quite nicely. This spindle is very easy to spin on, it has a good weight for making lace yarn.


I also bought a Turkish spindle a couple of weeks ago. Have not used it, still need to learn how to spin with this type of spindle. It has my favorite dog breed on it, poodles. I've read that Turkish spindles are very easy to spin with. We shall see if it stands the test of this amateur.







Erica J


This is a great place to post about your spinning. I have been practicing fairly consistently for tge last year and had joined several fibre clubs. If you practice and stock up on fibre over the next year, you'll be more than ready for Spinzilla 2016!

I look forward to seeing your spinning!

jlread (not verified)

I am now skeining off my singles and getting my final yardage....My team was Team Allons-y.

I didn't realize Weavo had a team....sheezzz!

Erica J

We didn't actually have a team this year. But I have been considering it. I thought it was nice to ahve a place to chat here, where it doesn'tmatter what team you are on! :)

Love that yarn jlread! I actually psent some time today gathering all my handspun from Spinzilla and prior. There was a lot more than I realized. I'm keen to start designing projects.


Beautiful yarn Erica! I especially love the turquoise colors. You have been very busy. Laughing


Your bobbins are so neat and beautiful jlreal. Great spinning, so consistant. Love the colors too. Smile