I was thinking that it might be nice for us to have a space to "check in" and post our progress. Please stop in here and let us know what certificate you are persuing, and where you are at so far. As you make progress, please come back and post here. I think this will help us all wiht the motivation factor and keep our excitement levels up!


Erica J

I am persuing the Certificate of Acheivement in the UK. For this we produce a portfolio of 30 final samples (categorized into balanced weaves, weft faced weaves, and warp faced weaves), plus a production piece.

This program allows complete freedome in interpreation of the syllabus, but does have quite a bit of specificity too. To learn more see the handbook and the syllabus.

I have completed 5 of the balanced samples so far. I need to get the notes finished and get these samples mounted. My game plan is to print the drafts, notes, etc. and get them mounted along the way. 

I started working on weft faced weaves, using Nancy Hoskins's book, and hope to have my first weft faced sample done by the end of the month.

I also sat down yesterday and started my To Do list in Google and adding due dates, which then goes on my Google calendar. I hope this will help me keep on track. If live does not get in the way, I may be able to submit my portfolio next summer. Yes this is ambitious. I have been able to get a sample done a weekend. TJ loves hanging out with me and occassionally "help weaving" as he says. If, as I say life does not intervene, I can keep up this pace, then a summer submission next year would be feasible! If not I won't be heartbroken.

I look forward to reading what methods other people are using and where you are at in your studies!

Happy Weaving,



You're doing a great job Erica! I made a small sign on a note card that still hangs on my design board that says: " Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan " Sounds like you're doing it! Cathie COE 1996

Erica J

Well the good news is when I got to working on my samples today, I discovered I have 6 samples dones! 1/5th of the total samlles needed! Yeah! I did not get as much done as I was hoping, gut still great news!



Using a calendar like Google sounds a great idea, especially if it sends you a message telling you that you have to do something on a certain date.

Finishing and mounting samples and writing up and printing out your records as you go along is also very good practice.  If you leave everything to the end you risk not having enough time to do it properly, plus the possibility of computer or printer failure.

Enjoy your weaving!

Erica J

My Le Clerc Voyageur shipped and looks like it is on the plane to me! After I take it to Wales to teach new weavers to weave twill, it will probably be my dedicated CoA sample loom. I got the 9.5" one. So it will fit better in the sitting room and ia the perfect width for CoA samples!!!

Yeah tax return money!


Congrats Erica! A new loom, smells so good, is smooth to the touch, heaven, right? I'm glad it's going to be a good size for you and the samples, good thinking. Plus thanks for your nice note.



Hi All

I'm doing mainly the Spinning CoA but as I'm dyeing some of my fluff, I'm collecting notes for my Dyeing CoAs as well although I know it's too big a challenge to have them ready for submission as well as the spinning!

I started spinning at the end of last year with a "beast" of a wheel that I got off Ebay for a stupid price! Hubby added bearings to it and a few tweaks and it spun after a fashion - not badly enough to put me off spinning but not well enough to do the CoA on it.

Hubby very kindly bought me a double treadle Joy2 for my birthdya in APril and I'm getting on so much better. I haven't done any of my required skeins yet as I'm still getting to grips with it all. I would like to aim to submit in 2017 but I have to be really careful not to put myself under loads of stress due to having had a bit of a melt down at the beginning of last year so I know I won't cope with the pressure......if I get it done, that's great; if I don't get it done for 2017, there's always another year.

Thoroughly enjoying learning to produce yarn that I can actually knit with....hubby is looking forward to having a hand spun, hand knitted hat for this year's cold weather



CazJn, congrats on your new wheel and embarking on theSpinning CoA! I 'm a recipient of the HGA COE , different program but I certainly understand the stress! You are so wise to enjoy the journey and not just churn the samples out to make a deadline. As you say if not this year the next. I did the COE over 6 years:)

good luck, Cathie


Thanks Cathie. I'm just starting out on weaving too - only warped up and produced one small piece on my Kromski Rigid Heddle loom but I'm hoping I can learn to spin well enough to produce the yarns for it. 

The top two things on my list of "things to do when I retire" are learning to spin and weave so at least I've started on both (with a bit of dyeing thrown in!)  :-)

Erica J

You all get to see this one, my Taquete sample, which will probably be my double faced sample!


Erica J

If all goes to plan. I will only need to complete 1 final sample per month during next school year. That should also give me a month to clean up notes and put together the final portfolio! I think I will use lever files for the portfolio and the balanced file is in fairly good shape already!!!

Erica J

I'm almost done with my texture study warp. This has been a good extension of my twill study!