Hi I have a dumb question.....I am ready to wind my warp on my floor loom from back to front using sections and I forgot what way to turn the crank to put on my thread on.

Do I turn clockwise or counter clockwise ?



Depends on the loom. Which way does the warp need to go in order for the brake to work properly? cheers Laura


Hello. I need help unwinding a warp off the back beam . I was beaming in front to back. Then I realized that the apron rod was too long and was hitting the brake fixture as it went around.  I stopped turning the crank but then I do not know how to release the crank to unwind the bit of warp that is on there?  I am using a Wolf pup LT loom.  To be honest I am not sure if the brake release is hooked up to the right place?  If anyone can help me that would be great.  It has been many years since I have woven and not everything comes back right away.  I removed the back beam to create a little slack but still need to unwind the warp.


Hello agian. I managed to unwind my warp.  But now I am having issues with the brake release.  Is the brake release ment to go all the way to the floor? Or is it just about pressing on it enough to release the brake.?  My loom is new and it takes a lot of pressure to even get the brake petal down a small bit.  Plus how are you supose to release the brake and wind on all at the same time?  Or am I confused and missing something? Do you need to release brake while winding on?  I am sorry to ask these basic questions.

I am going to refer to a into weaving book to see if I can't peice it together, I still need help though.


Hmm, your brake system may need some adjusting. Most looms require a fairly firm pressing but it should not be terribly difficult to step on the brake release lever and release tension. What brand model of loom do you have? Does the manufacturer have drawings you can reference for how the brake is to be set up or adjusted? Most looms have the brake release and crank on the same side of the loom so it is possible to step on the brake with left foot and crank on with right hand. Some looms have a lever that can be engaged to keep the brake off. Leclerc is one. Cheers Laura