Hey everyone!

So, I am very new to weaving, like this is my first project new. I got a Schacht tapestry loom from my grandmother a few years ago, and I am just now getting around to using it. I have all of the weft yarn on, and I have all of my heddles on (and are correct as far as I know). However, when I raise my lower bar to weave, my shed is small, but workable; when I try to raise the upper heddle bar to weave, the shed does not exisit at all! I't taken some pictures in hopes that someone can help me figure out what I am doing wrong. 

This is  what my loom looks like just in the "resting" position.


With the lower bar raised 


And the small shed it creates


The upper bar raised


Where is my shed?


If anyone has any idea what is going on, I would appreciate any and all help. I want to tear my hair out, and I have barely even started!


jmbennett (not verified)

Is it possible that the knitting yarn (it looks like) you used for your heddles are too stretchy?  I had use really stiff twine for heddles on my inkle loom.  I think you want them to be stiff so they don't stretch but again, only a guess.  


I did not think about that. I just grabbed some acrylic out of the closet, because I assumed it did not matter. I did, however, pull the heddle bars much higher than they would be on the loom to see if that was the issue, and I still did not have a visible shed.


I would try a bit more tension on your warp and probably replace the ties with something that does not stretch. Your ties also look a bit loose. You want the ties to just let the warp threads be in the natural/neutrel position. I would also use the support that is the highest on the loom.

I hope this helps,


Sara von Tresckow

You probably should not expect a true shed when you park the shed rods in the up  position. Instead, try pulling the shed rod farther than the parking position, insert a batten, sword or pickup stick. They turn that stick, enter your weft and repeat with the other shed stick.


Is it possible to tighten the warp while it is on the loom, or should I start all over? I was trying to not make it too tight, but it sounds like that would be a good thing in this case. I don't have any battens, swords or pickup sticks, but I do have a ruler, and I imagine that would be the same. I will also try and make my heddles shorter, and with the warp yarn that I have. Is there such a thing as your heddles being too short?

jmbennett (not verified)

or paste board.  Anything that you can put in the shed and turn to widen it and help hold it open.

Also you could try adding a dowel or rod at either or both ends of your warp which would help tighten it up and give that a try first--before unwinding an retightening the whole warp. 

Good luck!


Hi Manjinakon, I used to have the same Scacht loom. First everyone is correct that you would have greater success if next time you make your heddles out of a sturdy, smooth , none stretchy fiber, I would use cotton seine twine, available from a weaving store. It's expensive for just heddles but hang on to it because you can weave tapestry on your loom too and cotton seine twine makes nice warp for that. Now take the dowel on the second resting place and try to put it up on the third resting place. This is going to give you more room for your warp to move between sheds and not stick as much. Next the two screws at the top of the loom are your tensioners. So unscrew them abit at a time, doing the sides at the same time, in other words keep it level, until you reach taught ness that where your hand can feel the tension on the warp. If you're not getting enough shed, try a little more tension. Others have suggested ways to deal with a sticky shed. But I really think if you do these things your shed will be greatly improved. Cathie


How do your tensioners work? By unscrewing the tensioners it raises the top bar making the warp tighter:)


Thank you all so much for all of your advice. Cathie- I had completely forgotten about the tensioners up top! I can't wait to get home and give all of your suggestions a try!