Can someone point me to a reference where I can figure out how to repair this mistake?  I know it should be two over two under but that is as far as I have been able to get.  My idea is to cut out the mistake and then see what I need to do to weave it in correctly.  I am just concerned that since I have little idea what I'm doing, I'll make it worse.

weft error in straight twill



Is it still on your loom?  Could you just unweave back to that point, and do it over? 

jmbennett (not verified)

Thanks Queezle, yes indeed I could.  If it was still on the loomFoot in mouth

I think I need to add a weft.  Think I figured it out but need a really strong and large eyed needle to thread with my rags!  This did make me realize that while I found lots of answers for repairing broken warp, I didn't find much on repairing weft skips and floats once off the loom.  I have tons of books and videos so if anyone can recommend a source, I'll get it!

Sara von Tresckow

The instructions you'd find woulg ask you to needleweave a row with the correct over and under - if that is unclear to you, the best repair is unweaving and starting over again. Those of us with lots of experience do this all the time.

jmbennett (not verified)

I am going to try to needleweave a row of rags--I think I figured out how.

If I had caught it on the loom, I would have unwoven and fixed the twill--lesson learned the hard way.  

jmbennett (not verified)

means unweaving!  Nice save.  But embarassing that it has taken me two weeks to figure out how to fix it--and that wasn't due to knowledge so much as dumb luck. Needleweaving in a new weft was helping but not fixing the error.  Once I got the thought that maybe the problem was too many wefts, I sat for quite a while with scissors in hand. Finally said, well, it's my rug, right? And cut the rag weft and began pulling it out and sure enough, the twill line started to fall into place!