Hi! So I have scarves that I used some of my own dyed yarns in and I set the dyes before I wove the scarf, but I was wondering if there is a way to set the dyes again so there is no way the yarns will bleed when I wash the scarf? Would love any fedback anyone has. Laughing



If the dyes are set there should be no fugitive dye left. If there is, then rinse, rinse, rinse until the water remains clear. Don't soak, that just encourages the dye to settle elsewhere on the cloth. Look for Color Catchers. When I weave with hand dyed Rayons, there will often be excess dye to scour away. Color Catchers help by soaking up the dye molecules so they don't settle on your hand woven cloth during wet finishing. Cheers Laura

Joy Jenkins

Thanks so much for the fedback, that helps a lot. One question what are color catchers? I haven't ever heard of them.


They are a product made by S C Johnson. I usually find them in the laundry area of larger stores. Cheers Laura