Which one is preferable for keeping dust to a minimum during weaving? I could also buy a fan/dust filter/air cleaner but I like my peace and quiet and prefer something which does not have a loud motor.


Sara von Tresckow

I use sizing on many warps - to keep dust from abrasion at a minimum, to protect warps, etc. I also use an AprilAire furnace filter - connected to the forced air gas heating in the basement. It really keeps dust down - I notice in the summer when the fan isn't running much that I need to dust and vacuum the house more often.

Weavin Steven

I had always thought sizing was for large commercial weaving applications. What kind do you use and do you apply it on the warping board? It's my understanding that it's more than just using a bottl of spray starch.


I usually do not size my warps, but I put on a silk/wool mix that seems quite prone to abrasion.  I have had trouble with my floating selvedges parting at the reed.  I found some posts here, and based on what other people have done, boiled 1 T flax seeds in about three cups of water.  I strained it, and painted the FS.  So far I haven't had any more problems.  It is the consistency of mucilige or dog snot.

Weavin Steven

Also, does sizing come off in the wash? I assume it does.


Sizing is pretty much designed to be removed during wet finishing. There are many different recipes. I included two in Magic in the Water. Sara uses some different ones. Since I wear hearing protection, fan noise isn't an issue for me and I run a filtered fan as well as having one on the central heating. The fan on that runs continuously year round. I don't like wearing a dust mask for a number of reasons, dislodging my eyeglasses being one of them. :) Everyone has to find solutions that work best given their own circumstances...bottom line? If you weave you will have dust bunnies. Even in spite of all the filtering I do, I have herds of dust Buffalo... Cheers Laura


I wonder if dog snot would work?  I have access to lots of that.  

Dawn McCarthy

Thank you big white sofa dog - your comment just made me giggle - which I REALLY needed today!!!  I just saw photos of a presentation I did - they are close ups! in almost every photo there is one gnarly looking black dog hair!


Yes I have some of that dog stuf too:) but really take those shedding fibers seriously. Many years ago, i did not have a filter and wove on a very heavy wool warp. The fibers were everywhere, including my lungs ! I ended up with a terrible case of bronchitis which the Dr. suggested was from breathing the fibers. I believed it because they felt like they were on fire. now I have dust bunnies , but I run my filter and I never have had a problem since. It's good to ask these questions:)


Did you weave the blanket for them too?


Yes.  This is a rag throw (one of many cycled through use/wash) to keep all those doggy feet from destroying the sofa.


New to forum.... first post read.  Jeeper's you and the dog snot brigade made my day!  As a spinner I have had to protect my lungs with masks and now am using puffers.. good to know sizing can help with warp shedding and the dust.  Have 3 of my own stooges that probably also contribute to my misery but shouldn't complain as the undercoats are a fibre source...


Love the dog pictures, they are all so adorable.  With three dogs and two cats, I have so many dust bunnies, I haven't worried about dust bunnies from the loom.  I do have two air filters running all day and have set my furnace to have the fan run once an hour for about 10 minutes.  The furnace has a germaside filter on it.
