So a couple years ago, my wife wanted a loom to weave rugs, so we bought a used Leesburg 102. It's bee sitting and I would like to get it setup for her to start. There is warp on the loom already and we thought we would practice with it. The reeed is a 12 slot per inch one. I am going to buy her a 8 slot per inch one soon. I counted the warp strings on the loom and it's got enough for 12 per inch to match the reed. I just have to string everything up . . . Is there some resource on the net, youtube, etc that might give me a start on doing this? I also need to 



To help you, we need more information.  What kind of warp is on the loom?  The reed is usually threaded (sleyed) according to how thick the warp threads are, not how many ends there are.   Are the heddles threaded already?  Is it tied up (treadles tied to lamms, lamms tied to shafts)?


It was apart when we got it home. I put it together. The treadles, lamms, are not connected to the shafts yet but all the little connecting chains etc are all there. I am not sure the exact type of warp that's on there. I just know the strand count since I counted it all to see how many threads were on the loom already.

I asume there will be two peddles connected, one to each shaft for rugs. I took two of the shafts off and left two on. I have the heddles/shafts hanging on the pulleys but am not sure if they are adjusted to the proper heights. I had to put new rope on holding the shafts since the old stuff was fraying. The warp is wound around the thing on the back of the loom. None of it an threaded/sleyed through the reed or heddles etc. I think I just need to unwind the warp on the back, and start threading it through the heddles and tie it off on the front of the loom alternating through the two shafts/heddle sets.  I am not sure how to adjust things once I do that. 

Does that all make sense?


The easiest thing for you to do might be to get a good basic weaving instruction book.  Mary Black's Key to Weaving or the Big Book of Weaving are good beginning instruction books.  Glimakra's website has lots of good information on how to tie up a loom, and Leclerc's website does also.  If your loom was originally built to have four shafts, it may be easier to keep it as a four shaft loom instead of converting it to two.  The extra shafts give you a lot more patterning options than two shafts do, and you will have to rework the pulleys/rollers/horses to go from four to two.  What you need to do is thread the heddles, sley the reed, and tie the lamms to the shafts and treadles to the lamms.


I already have it down to two shafts. Since it was a part, it was easy to put two on rather than four.  I do have a question that you might be able to answer here while I go look at the sites you mentioned. I can thread the heddles, sley the reed etc. When attaching the lamms to the treddles and the lamms to the shafts . . . I know one shaft should go up when one treddle is pushed down and the other is lowered. Then when you push the other treddle down the shafts reverse, the lower one goes up and the upper one goes down. When I set it up, do I make them even when the treddles are even? The treddles would be off the floor at that point. And when the shafts are even, I assume the warp should be straight through the heddles from front to back? Does that make sense?

I'll look for those book as well.
