I've woven these baby blankets in bambu 7 and 12 as called for in the past. http://www.weavingtoday.com/media/p/68.aspx I'd like to weave them again - for the next new family member - but I'm thinking about using cotton this time. Has anyone woven them in cotton and if so, what cotton did you use? How did you like the results? I loved the bambu - but I have such a stash of cotton - seems a waste not to use that if it will turn out well. Thanks!



Hi, I have not used Monks Belt nor Bambu for Baby's Blankets. But I've used a lot of 10/2 and 8/2 pearl cotton. They have turned out beautifully soft with a lovely drape. With the Monks Belt you have a tabby, which may effect the draping a bit with cotton, I don't know. My advice, is first go with the cottons they say are similar to the bambu's they recommend . Second weave a sample, plus give the sample a chance by wet finishing and ironing :) Cathie