Hello! I'm trying to plan a project this time, not follow other people's calculated patterns. I've purchased and have been reading Anne Dixon's Pattern Directory, and want to use Huck pattern on page 170 for a 5/2 bamboo scarf set at 12 epi for an airy drape. I've woven several things using huck, so that's good. But I'm confused about how to add my tabby borders. If I thread my loom as directed on the page 170, can I achieve a tabby border by simply creating 1, 3 and 2, 4 tie-ups that will create my plain weave? I stare and stare at the pattern but understanding doesn't automatically follow. What I've found happens to me is I go ahead and try it, and THEN I understand as I actually do it. Thanks for any help!



Do you have weaving software like free WeaveDesign (just Goggle it) to see how the pattern will develop for your edges?


Are you talking about a border at the left and right, or at the beginning and end?

Left and right is done via threading,  and beginning and ending via treadling,  usually,  but some threading patterns will not do a tabby no matter how you change the tie up (I.e., the broken twill scarf I made).

Sue in VT

I guess what stumps me is a few of the huck patterns I've followed began and ended the threading with a series of 1, 2 threads. What I'm having trouble understanding is, if there are 16 or so "1, 2" threads on the edges, and then the treadle is tied "1, 3" and 2, 4" how is that working when the edges don't have 3 or 4 represented (threaded)? I just follow patterns, and LOVE the weaving results I'm getting, but sometimes don't understand. I've knitted for 40 years, and understood the anatomy of complicated stitches, but weaving often seems magical! Thanks to all who responded! I feel unable to embrace digital planning at this time, but I think I understand now that I must add the left and right borders 1, 2....... Thanks!

Dena (not verified)

Congratulations on your first self designed project.  Once you can do it, it frees you up to really explore.

Yes, you thread the borders 1, 2, 1, 2...When you treadle the 3 and 4, it's fine that there is nothing there, it will pick up where there is something, further into your pattern. 

I have been weaving for twenty eight years.  I live eat and breathe weaving and still don't use weaving software.  A piece of graph paper and some basic knowledge of drafting will solve most of your confusions.