We're away to Scotland this weekend for Eastercon. I'll be pretty busy with all the great sessions they have planned, but I'll likely be back in the room by 8 for TJ's bed time. 

My question is, what weaverly things do you take with you when you travel? 





Finishing work is always good. I can fit my small tap.loom in my suitcase and try to take that. I also take a sketchbook and work on drawing for tapestry ideas. Really any kind of designing is good:)


usually drive on my "vacations" I have the luxury to throw bunches of stuff into the car. I usually take at least one kniting project, a book / magazine or two on weaving, spinning or knitting, a journal for notes and sometimes I throw in the pot holder loom, or the tapestry loom and at least once I took my RH to Wyoming. When I go home in May I am taking my drop spindle and my wheel with me along with some knitting. I may also take some towels that need hemming and if I am lucky I might sell one or two as well!

Erica J

I think I'll take a couple books, my art journal and current inspirational painting. A sprang project and the spinning basket!

We are driving, 6 hours!!!! So I can take whatever will fit in the hotel room and still leave room for the travel cot! :)


taking more than I need, but I want to be sure and have something for whatever mood comes over me!


If I'm flying or driving with a car with a little room, I take my Louet S96 wheel.  If it's my son's BRZ, I take a drop spindle.  He's mean and won't let me spin in the car, though.

On a 3 week working trip, I ended up spinning 2.5 lbs of wool, sport weight when plied.  The 2 lbs of Shetland is destined for warp, while the 8 oz of threadweight black bamboo is already woven as weft and sewn ito the trim of a coat.


Do you have a tablet/card loom or Inkle loom? They are great in the car! You can just weave away! If you are not driving of course:)

Erica J

I do have a tablet warp on the go, but it didn't maje the cut. Neither dud the box of samples which need organizing!

Here's what did:

Joanne Hall's Learning to Warp Your Loom- to review nifty tricks for my next warp.

Madelyn van der Hoogt's The Complete Book of Drafting - I'm back on Ch 5 From Blocks to Units

Weaving Journal there's always lots of inspiration at Cons.

Spinning basket- I mainly spin on drop spindles

Sprang loom and painted yarn to warp on! Thanks Carol James!


That will keep you busy for sure:)


I now have an order in for a 7.5 dent heddle.  So that makes I will have a 10,12.5 and a7.5 dent and a second 10 dent and the second heddle kit for my loom thanks to a small gift of some money from my brothers estate. This was totally unexpected since we had no idea he had anything put aside.  I can only say thanks be to God because I know I would not been able to afford them otherwise.  Now I only need some yarn and I'm off on another project.  That will come too.   I still have some yarn I will start some pattern samples. So no real down time for me these days.

Erica J

Yeah so here's what I actually got around to this weekend.

Read relevent bits of both books, turns out I have never made it through the drafting book, becaues I still don't have much interest in the later chapters. I have too much going on to try to cram in information I don't intend to use any time soon!

Spinning. It also turns out that spinning really helps my creativity. I did some spinning during a session with Juliet McKenna on Using Visual References to spart creativity in building scenery in writing. I had far mor epiphanies during this secon session while my hands were occupied with spinning. The Andes came up and I was able to slip in Abbey Franquemont's quote on how the local spinners took to teaching her to spin "Lest she grow up useless." :) Keep an eye out for this concept in sci fi/fantasy novesl coming out of the Isles!

I didn't get much spinning done on the 7.5 hour drive home, as Oliver's back started cramping up and my 1/2 of the trip turned into most of the trip. We possibly also set a land speed record as I was trying to get my poor pained husband and child, who was done being in the van, home!


interesting trip Erica - son't you love those epiphany moments? I am looking forward to my trip home at the end of next  month - I am in desperate need to get away from here for a bit and going home (inspite of the 24 hour drive) is a chance to recharge my batteries. Knitting and spinning are going with me on this trip - and maybe the potholder loom!


Going on a small road trip, 5 1/2 hours to Michigan . Will take with me my tablet weaving loom " twirling girl" , and my tapestry design that needs a lot of work. Go up next week for a week, Ahhhhh:)


I bring my camera and try to shoot pictures of things with interesting color combinations, or that just look soothing.  I am starting to go through my huge collection of images to sort out the ones that are best for weaving inspiration.  I typically bring a sample that I wove recently, and like looking at, and I also usually bring my lunch wrapped in a sample.  but actual weaverliness I keep at home.


Queezle, Thanks for the reminder, I'm taking my camera too! That's such a cool idea to take your lunch wrapped in a sample!