Brought home a beautiful 22" cherry Norwood loom this weekend and have a few questions.

Wondering what size reed to order for this sweet little loom?  

Also curious to hear how other weavers thread this loom - I warp back to front and the front beam is going to be in the way.  Thinking about removing the front beam to thread, has anyone else done this?

Bought some Schacht tie up cords to replace the chains,  I dislike the chains and want something that is quick and easy to use.  Anyone else tried this method of tie up?

Replaced all the cotton cording on the front and back take up beams with texsolve, the old cordage was rotten.  

After a good scrub with Murphy's oil soap and three coats of wax and feed the little loom just glows.  I am really looking forward to weaving with this little loom, just as soon as I purchase a new reed and more heddles.

Any help will be most appreciated.




On my new-to-me Pendleton,  the instructions say to partially fold the loom when threading, to get that front beam out of the way. Maybe yours is similar?