How many of you use mood boards? Would you mknd sharing your artistic process using mood boards here?





Hi Erica,There is a really good book by Margo Selby called Color and Texture in Weaving, 150 Contemporary Designs. Selby goes into how to make mood Boards. Inspired by her book , I made the following mood board of Lake Michigan where we like to spend our summers. I haven't woven anything with it, it's on my project pile, I'm terrible!Mood Board

Erica J

Thank you, Cathie.

I will definitely chwck out your book recommendation. Your mood board and yarn wraps look lovely. I look forward to seeing your cloth.

I know you're not awful, because I see your constant progress on the monthly threads. 

It's funny you say that. I was just sitting down to take a break from the loom. I'm warping up one loom and getting 5 idwas to put in the weaving pile! :)

I think we're all quite a like.

tien (not verified)

Hi Erica,

I wrote two posts about mood boards in my book blog - you may find them interesting:

I also wrote a post about mood boards in my regular blog:

I hope that helps!



Nice Mood Boards Tien and interesting process. The value of putting something away for a little bit and pulling it back out, seeing with fresh eyes. After looking at my Mood Board today, I see it's so neutral, I now want to put some blue in there. It's a lake after all:)