I've had a 24" Kromski harp for a few months now and lately it seems every project I do, no matter how evenly I try to beat, my fell line always ends up at an angle, always higher on the right, sometimes by as much as a half inch.  I didn't have the stand at first but added it on after a month or so and it seemed this problem started after I got the stand.  Does anyone know what might be causing this and how to prevent/fix it?


katski (not verified)

I also have a Kromski and had a similar problem. I got a t square and very carefully marked with felt tipped pen on the loom "arms" in front ot the beater at either side 1" intervals. Each arm looks like a little ruler. This way as I bring the beater forward I can make sure that the beater is staying at right angles.  It has helped.



pulling the heddle bar forward with both hands? I find that I more often have a slope if I am am pulling the heddle forward with only one had. Two hand evenly spaced helps keep everything straight.


I to have a Harp 24...  I might say this is a problem for most rigid heddlers but mostly for beginners like me ( and you maybe?)  tying to work to fast at first on beating is my bug a boo here.  And yes, using two hands helps a lot.  Remember that each beat is most effective on the 2ed or 3ed shot down less so on the last shot beaten. So be mindful of how flat these shots are. 

Katski, you have a grand idea to help beginners too!!  I like to keep my loom as unmarked as possable so I would lay down masking tape on my loom arms first then put my felt tip pen marks on the arms ... Again great Idea!