My new to me Mac brake cable cannot be right. It is attached to the spring at the bottom, wound around the pulley twice and then attached up top. When I depress the brake release and try to turn the beam it is very!!! hard to turn and the cable also comes off the pulley. I don't have warp on here yet but cannot even begin to imagine being able it sit at the front of the loom, depress the brake and use the ratchet to advance the cloth on to the apron. This is an older loom, should I clean this cable (it isn't very pliable, should it be?). Should I clean the pulley where the cable sits on top of?? Or do I replace the cable and if so what kind and how long should this be? Also when I thread the heddles if I were to fold the back beam up to reach the heddles easier, this cable would slip off the pulley as well. I have double back beams both with separators. Help! Want to get my warp on soon :)


Michael White

with the loom dressed is not a good plan. I guess you are warping FTB? I replyed to your brake problem with pictures over on the Mac group on Ravelry.



Thank you Michael, I will go to Ravelry now. I am challenged getting pics on weavolution but can easily post to Ravelry if I need to show you what is going on here. Yes would like to go FTB most of the time.


Ok I am not sure how to find your reply on Ravelery but I just posted pictures in "my projects" and added to the macomber loom group. Will you be able to see what I'm talking about? Thank you Michael for your help! Trying to head to the hardware store and get this resolved soon. Janet

Michael White

I am not certain what happen with those pictures. I am going to post them here. What name do you use on Ravelry?


Michael White

Your brake cabe is on wrong. The part of the cabe that goes up needs to be on the out side of the pully. and it looks like you have way too much cable. You need to undo the top part of the cable and run it throught the cable clamp. Using a vise grip pliers grab the cable and pull down untill the whole cable is tight. then tigthen the clamp. You also need to remove the beam an put a steel or nylon washer on each side of the beam.


We are working!! After replacing the cable and connectors and putting the cable as Michael indicated, all is great!! Thank you!!! Already wove a couple of placemats today!!

Michael White

Glad I was able to "fix" your problem

