Hello Study Group,

I have been digging around the settings to see what can be done in terms of privacy. I don't want to make any assumptions, so let's use this thread to come to a concensus regardibg who should be able to see posts.

Here are our options:

1) Completely Private- the group can not be seen by anyone, but members. this means new members have to be aded Manually. This is the only way to keep non-group members from seeing posts.

2) Listed group- as far as I can tell if the group is listed anyone can see and respond to posts.

Neither option is perfect in my opinion. Please voice your preference.

thanks, Erica



I would just like to know which it is. I don't know of any reason to be private except this one: if any f the judges are on Weavolution and see work that we post here, would that mess with the anonymity of the judging process.

Erica J

That was my thought as well. FYI, the group is currently set to private. However, the Introductions thread was created before this change and I have not gone back and set it to Private. If we decide to be Private, I will make that change! :)


On the other hand, it's nice to have people like Cathie, Laura and Joanne who pipe up and help, but aren't necessarily going to join this group...
