Heya,I currently have elastics tied up to return the countermarche to it's neutrel position. Obviously it isn't quite working. Any advice?Thanks,Erica



There is obviously a warp on right? And are the upper lamms shorter than the lower ones? Are there thin SS washers between the jacks so there is no rubbing and the pullies are all turning free? It's all in weight (force) distribution.

Erica J


Yes, yes, and yes. I'm using my drawloom attachment. The last bit I need to sort out is getting the countermarche back in the neutrel position after treadling. I have cord going from the upper and lower part of the jack tied to an elastic, but no joy.

Yvonne K

Erica, I had success mounting shock cord ( purchased from a boating shop ) from the castle to each of the shafts. There is a wooden support that sits on the castle. Each cord goes through a drilled hole and is held in place by a screw which enters the hole from the side. My husband made me this handy thing which enables me to adjust the length of each cord. There is one photo of this on my flikr page, address AusYK. It is photo number 0186.

Getting the shafts to return was the last mystery I had to solve when setting up my drawloom - good luck! Note, the elastics are not tied to the jacks.

Erica J


Are you using a horizontal countermarche or modified damask pulley?

I'm using my vertical countermarche and definitelt underdtand why folks recommend starting with damask pulleys! :)

Erica J

Ok I think I've got it. It looks like I didn't have the elastics taunt enough. I also jad the cords tied to each other rather than individually tied to the elastic.

Yvonne K

My loom is horizontal countermarch, and would also work by suspending weights from the jacks, but the suggested weights were so heavy and I didn't fancy having to deal with them hanging down between lams and shafts. I can see where your vertical jacks actually give you the advantage of being able to put them under tension from the side.

So now that's sorted, it shouldn't be long before we see photos of your first samples! After all the fuss of setting up my drawloom, I couldn't believe how simple and pleasurable it was to weave on. Enjoy!

Dawn McCarthy

Erica, if I get a chance later I will take a photo of mine, yes there should be enough tension to return them to neutral, also you may want to position the beater height differently than usual to eliminate the slight split shed that can occur when weaving with pattern shafts raised.  I discussed this issue on my blog at Bewove
