I will be teaching a course that follows the Handweaver's Pattern Directory. This course will be taught through Weavolution meeting every few weeks on Saturdays from noon to 1:30 pm starting September 3, 2011. There will be five class sessions, plus time in between to complete homework and get help when necessary. This class will show you how simple and easy it is to work through a variety of weaves on the same warp! The class will teach you how to weave the following:


  • Color & Weave Effects in Plain Weave
  • Twill, Point Twill, and work with Twill Blocks (for those with 6 shafts or more)
  • Double Weave (two layers, double width, tubular) Double width is good for blankets! Tubular can be turned into pillows or
  • Summer and Winter

You do not have the own the Handweaver's Pattern Directory, but those who do can reference it. Those who own the Handweaver's Pattern book may find it helpfu as well. 

The class will include real time demonstrations and will allow time for everyone to weave together, ask questions and get answers!


Erica Jones



Anja (not verified)

What timezone are we talking about?

Claudia Segal (not verified)

All classes are scheduled in Eastern time.  Where are you located? 


Anja (not verified)

Ah, okay EST, I see. That's 6 am local time in germany. *yawn* :-)

Claudia Segal (not verified)

Contact the teacher, Erica J, and see if she will be teaching another time if that's too late for you.  


Erica J

Anja, I am in Europe as well the class will be at 1930 your time. I hope you fond this more suitable! I know you'll find I'm much more coherent at 7:30 at night than 7:30 in the morning! I hope to see you there! Cheers, Erica



What is the cost for this class?


Oli J


Erica does not have this class currently scheduled, but would be willing to schedule sessions to meet your needs. The original class outline was for 4 one and a half hour sessions at $30 each. Please contact either of us if you are intersted.




What a shame, I am wayyy to late for the party. : (

Erica J

If there is interest we could start this back up. I'll post over on the FB page and see how many people are interested. :)