I'm curious if anyone has replaced the wax apron strings on a CP? My loom is new and I warp B2F and find the waxy strings that are attached to the metal rod difficult to remove in order to slide my warp loops over. My Glimakra has holes drilled in both the warp and cloth beam in which texsolve is threaded through to create a continuous loop. I would like this for my CP (it is 24") but afraid to drill holes in the beam. Any ideas? For those of you who warp B2F, what do you do?


Sara von Tresckow

First - what is a CP - so I don't make any bad assumptions.

If you drill the holes carefully following the example set by your Glimakra loom, you should have no trouble.


CP is the portable loom (AKA baby Mac). 

Sara von Tresckow

I'm not familiar with their beam construction - the requirement would be that you could bore a straight hole through (any metal core, etc. would hinder that procedure).


The B4's also have waxy loops.  I cut and tie on each bundle, not slip them through.  


I tied another apron rod on using short lengths of texsolv.  I left enough of a space that I can tie on the warp bouts without a problem on the cloth rod and easily slide them off and on the warp rod.


Thanks Gail, that is a good idea. Perhaps better than drilling holes in my warp beam. 

Michael White

Please come join us on the Macomber group here and over on Ravelry. Has someone stated above you do not move the knots, you tie on to a other bar. The bottom line is it is your loom if you want to dill it out to make it better for you go for it.


Michael White

A CP-11 is Macomber's small folding loom, comes in 16, 20 & 24 inchs wide. It is also call a baby Mac.



Michael, I warp back to front so I am slipping the warp loops over the rod of the back beam (warp ends are loops - portees). The rod on the cloth beam is fine as is since when I tie on to the cloth beam, the warp ends have been cut. I will plan to join the group on Ravelry.


Michael White

You will find pictures of the two bars over on the groups site. I tried loading pictures here but no luck today. Michael Here is a link to some pictures: http://weavolution.com/forum/weaving/apron-pictures-18258

tommye scanlin

...as Michael has mentioned. I also warp back to front, using a raddle. After the warp loops are spread in the raddle spaces, I slip a second bar (I use a dowel) through the loops and then tie it firmly to the metal bar that's held on the waxed linen cord attached to the warp beam. Tommye


Thanks Tommye,

I will try that. Sounds like a better solution than drilling holes in my warp beam.