I have a new-to-me Toika Liisa that I got a few weeks ago. It's a 10/10 and in very good shape and was in use at the time I bought it, but the owner was weaving rugs and had the loom set up as just 2 or 4 harness. This is my first countermarch, my other loom being an old Leclerc Fanny counterbalance.

This weekend DH helped me put the frame together--very easy and straightforward. I've got the Finnish assembly instructions from the Toika website.  I've got the treadles attached today and was going to start attaching the lamms. I have a total of 20 lamms, but 10 of them are 5" shorter than the other 10. Is this how it was on older Toika's?  They all appear to be the same wood, diameter, etc. except for the length, but it doesn't look as if the holes will line up. If this is correct, are the short ones the upper or lower lamms?





The short ones are the upper lamms. Good luck.

Joanne Hall

Hi Penny,

I have instructions on our website which would be very helpful to you, here:


The first file is 9 pages of basic instructions and file 3 has information on the countermarch. If you have questions about these instructions, just ask.


Dawn McCarthy

I have had a couple of these looms, they are fabulous.  Mine did not have lams different sizes but the general rule of thumb is longer = lower lams. Joanne's info on her site is excellent and I highly recomend her book "Tying Up Your Countermarch Loom" (not sure if that is exactly correct title) no affiliation just recommending a great resource!


Penny Skelley (not verified)

Thanks everyone. I am very excited to have gotten this loom and am really looking forward to weaving on it.

I have Joanne's book--the seller gave it to me with the loom, but I forgot to look in it first. Joanne, thanks for the link. Those pages will help. And I've got Su's page and pictures bookmarked too.

All of the pictures of the Liisa's that I had seen online seemed to have lamms the same length so I was a bit confused. Of course, it's hard to see the lamms in any of those pictures. And I don't know how old this loom is. I am at least the third owner. Is there a way to age these looms?

I'm sure I'll have a few more questions in the next few days and I appreciate everyone's help.

