I just became the proud owner of my first Macomber. (48" 4 harness) I have been spending some time cleaning and replacing a few things. It is very solid and looks to be in good shape. I replaced the apron strings that were original (42 years) with Texsolv. I also ordered 2 wood apron rods from Schacht because I like wood better to tie onto rather than a metal rod. They were very inexpensive and should be nice and straight rather than trying to find something that would work locally. I have new stainless steel, inserted eye heddles coming to complete my project. This has been fun and I can't wait to sit down at it and weave! I am so glad to have found this group. After reading some of the posts, I may replace my tie up hooks with Texsolv as well...great idea!


Michael White

To the Macomber group. Sounds like you have been working hard to get your loom ship shape. WE look forward to seeing pictures of what comes off your loom.
