This is the first tapestry that I have tried to weave in a very long time.  I am using a Shannock table loom that was gifted to me a number of years ago.  It is a really nice loom to weave on, I wish I would have tried it sooner :-)  I have changed the paper clips to string heddles on the shed bar and it is working like a champ.  The shapes are forming okay - I think that my ability to draw a cartoon that can actually be woven on leaves a bit to be desired.  My perspective is off - the shapes that I drew vs. what can actually be woven.  I think I will run into troubles with the smaller sized shapes, but I will deal with it then. 


tommye scanlin

I hope you'll post the completed tapestry photo later.

Happy tapestry weaving to you!

Tommye Scanlin


I like your tapestry and the cartoon which waits to be woven! I don't know if you do this or not, but something that really helps me follow a cartoon more precisely is to sew it closely to the fell line about every 2 inches. I use heavy thread and a long running stitch careful not to pierce any warp threads. Also try to keep my cartoon square with my warp. I draw a line on my center warp thread and then down the center of the cartoon. Helps things stay lined up, especially when I sew! As Tommye mentioned do post a picture when your done!


What an interesting concept, I have never done that - LOL  It seems that anything that goes on a tapestry loom stays on a tapestry loom.  It's a good thing that I have a Shannock table loom and an A. B. cooper loom, and not a large upright tapestry loom languishing in my studio with unfinished projects living on it.  I am trying to change my tapestry habits, it would be cool to cut something finished off a loom.  I like the idea of a tapestry daily diary being woven, but I have not quite gotten to that point with my weaving.  

Cathie, thanks for the cartoon ideas - I just have it pinned to the bottom and looped behind a piece of warp thread tied at the top.