Marilyn Rea-Menzies of Christchurch, New Zealand, and I co-authored an article for the ATA website.  Lyn Hart, the editor, asked us to respond to questions about how we feel about the need for continuing education for tapestry makers.  Here's the link to our responses to her thought-provoking questions:




Liese (not verified)

This was a nice way to spend some time this morning, lot's to savor. Thanks to both Tommye & Marilyn for sharing. BTW click on the names at the end of the first page.


Very interesting article to a newbie who will do some tapestry soon; currently learning middle eastern knotted rug weaving and was looking forward to kilims, probably a close relative to tapestry. Some of the examples shown in the article and the linked papers/presentations are awe inspiring. Thank you!


tommye scanlin

I appreciate your taking a look at the articles and your feedback. Marilyn's work is just fantastic; I've enjoyed watching her tapestries develop through her blog over the years. Some day I'd love to meet her in person! We've only interacted through emails over the years. By the way, she teaches at her studio in NZ. Tommye


Tommye, thank you for sharing the articles. Very good ways to keep streching ourselves as artists, which you and Marilyn so aptly expressed. The articles certainly gave me new ideas for my own continuing education and for that I thank you once again.


Thank you for posting this link, Tommye. The articles were fascinating to read--truly interesting, informative, and inspiring! I appreciate the way you so freely offer insight from your own learning and experience to help others like me.

tommye scanlin

I know that there are many, many ways to continuing learning.  Our journeys are just our own.  Marilyn and I have taken different paths because of our own life circumstances.  But we share the passion for tapestry, taking it seriously as we move ahead as best we can, with whatever opportunities we can find.
