Can anyone suggest good weaverly things to do in Minneapolis? We will be there for about a day or tow, probably before New Year. Any shops, exhibits, galleries, anything weaverly at all would be great! Thanks!


D-Stitchins Studio

A great place to stop by is the Weaver's Guild of Minnesota, located in the Textile Center near the University of Minnesota.  We have a great library, galleries, displays and of course, shopping.  Here is the link for more information.


is in Minneapolis.  It's agreat place to visit. The current exhibit is bobbin lace.  The institute is really a georgeous castle located right in downtown Minneapolis.  I was there a few years ago and they had an entire room devoted to weaving with many examples of vintage Swedish weaving, looms etc. The museum was under renovation when I was there last May and was told by one of the staff that the weaving would be in a new location in the museum after the renovations were completed in early June of 2012.  It is definitely worth the visit if the weaving is still there.  You may want to call first to make sure.

Here is the website:



Thanks for these! Both sound really wonderful and not too hard to find. I will check out hours, what is planned, etc Looking forward to seeing these both!