What a great idea!  I have a blog where I do something similar but it is mostly for me myself and I. Was contacted by an Indian gentleman about all my looms and how many workers I had, I said three, me myself and I. My blog is called http://not-ufos.blogspot.com/ but has been moved to  http://warpologynotufos.wordpress.com/  It's main function was to motivate me to do some Weaving or one of my other fiber persuits daily also. It has helped, something about writing and photographing the work really motivates me.

Right now I am working on Baby blankets, a winter weaving guild challenge. I had planned to do baby boy blankets anyway so it was a good coincidence. They donate to Project Linus  http://www.projectlinus.org/  It will hopefully be 36 inches wide x 30 inches. I made a draft using Alice Schleins method with photshop and "the Liftplan Connection"  Will let you know about it's progress with my 1 yr kitten slowing me down!

Baby Boy Oh Boy baby boy



Your blog sounds great - will have to check it out. I started the group to help motivate myself - and as an extension of the group we had in Halloweave. Looking forward to seing your projects - good uck with the kitten - I have two four legged helpers myself - dogs in my case -


Winding my 10 yard warp for the Baby blankets. Its a wider one than usually so it is taking me a bit of time. Between trips to the post office, Magazines are selling quickly, must be the season!

Nassajah (not verified)

I completed my table runner that is a gift for a new house. It is the budget bamboo shawl warp with some lovely brown flecked wool for weft. I'll try to post a picture. I hope the recipeint likes it. I also finished threading an overshot warp and am winding a 10/2 bamboo warp in auqamarine for some scarves. I'm using the Garden trellis pattern. I think your plan to motivate us to weave is working in my case.:) Thanks a bunch!:)


Nassajah on finishing the table runner. Its always so satisfying to finish a project - I especially like finishing presents! Tina

ryashani (not verified)

In my tiny and cluttered sewing room my BF and I set up the Lilla loom he got me for Christmas!  I only have 4 shafts installed right now (had all 8 but I was making a mess of it and the tester warp will be tabby and twill so I cut back to just 4 rather than 8).  Also got my warp chains ready for my first warp!  I am so excite!

New Lilla Loom


Still warping for the baby blankets. Now I remember why I never used this fine wool for anything. I can wind on the warp at about an inch at a time. The other blue was too fine to go with the rest of the warp. Ah well, I'll get there eventually! 


Congrats!  Can't wait to see all of the wonderful projects you weave....

loomyladi (not verified)

We always love the experienced looms we acquire (well usually), but the joy of a brand new loom - - - have fun and good luck, make him something really nice!



Finally got the warp on my AVL on the back beam. Now I know why that fine wool was left in the stash! Ended up with three lease sticks and warp spread out as far as I could in the raddle. Phew what a chore. untangel, slide lease stick down wind on, 4in at a time on a 10 yard warp. 

It does look good with the mercerized blue so I hope I'll be happy with it. Also figured out how to put tension on the warp, put the brake on backwards! This is my second warp on the AVL so some things come with time even when you have woven for many years.


Claudia Segal (not verified)

OOOh, a brand new Lillia, how lovely.

Good idea to stick with 4 shafts for now.  I got a new Julia 15 months ago and only put on 4 of the 8 shafts.  It worked out very well.  Now, I am adding the other 4 for an atwater-bronson shawl I am using as a sample before I wind and warp the real deal.  It was meant to be a Christmas present but that didn't work out with some personal mishaps.



 Finally sleying the reed, Life has interefered with this warp to the max. Made a 500 mile trip twice in about four days for the funeral of our Brother in law. Learned some important things, Don't thread when upset or while chatting on the phone with long lost relatives! I've made three repairs to threading mistakes and resleyed for the 2nd and final time. So no phones in my studio! 



Warpology, My condolences about your brother in law. Yes, threading takes concentration, being upset or even daydreaming usually does me in. Then the sinking feeling of mistakes-gr! I hope that the rest of your weaving goes smoothly and that you're working on something exciting which makes you happy!


Today I have the second Tea Towel almost finished. Worked in my sketch book for the design for January's Tapestry Diary.


Waiting for yarn to arrive. Tried some acrylic baby fingering yarn as weft and it looks good together, woven one skein and am now waiting for more to arrive. When I get a little further along I will post a picture.


Starting the third blanket! Finally, have been having  problems with a shaft raising #2 when it shouldn't. Think I finally have it fixed. Fun fun.I'm happy with the way they are turning out. Ordered weft yarn and when it came in I found out it only comes in worsted now, not fingering, but it is working out ok anyway. It has a little sparkle in it that I like.

Sheryn (not verified)

Hi, I'm Sheryn (and I'm doing an Anthropology Independent study on fiber culture on line, so I hope its ok If I hang out here with you all to do that). I hope this is the right thread for this- to day I did warping calculations. No that’s no true I asked one of my best friends if she could help me with the calculations and she just took the length and with and EPI and figured them out for me. But Uhh it's something.  With luck I'll be working on my Card Weaving in soon. To tomorrow…. 


ask any questions you may have - looking forward to seeing your card weaving.


Wove this twill one with a pattern from Handweaaving.net

This one is my own design: baby boy oh boy baby boy