I noticed that we (collectively) have all been slacking on updating what we are up to. So, I thought, why not a thread just to check in and report what we did for the day. Not necessarilly something in need of discussion (although of course we can comment and offer encouragement), but rather an accountability for what we did today. So I'll go....TODAY I attended The Jackson's Mill Heritgae Guild in Weston, WV. I've been twice in the last 6 months - shame on me. I wound a neutral warp for overshot hotpads AND I wove a tea towel on a Baby Wolf. Ironically, I selected the project, wound the warp and did part of the warping but did not get a chance to weave on the community project until today. I was the last one, I finished off the warp and got to bring my towel home! YEAH for me. Perhaps I will do something weaverly when I get home this eve., but we shall see. So what did YOU do that was "weaverly" today?


Cheryl M White

I had been on a roll and did some weaving every day for the last 2 weeks. Sunday hit and I got sidetracked by Christmas, cleaning, my first day off in 3 weeks etc.  To be blunt-I was lazy and doodled all day.  Since then I have been researching summer and winter and 8 harness overshot, so I have read A LOT!!!  Has to count



count Cheryl! I have been super lazy all week - at least in terms of weaving. I got handwovens packed up and mailed off for Christmas. icked out some yarn for a carf. And have fine tuned waht I want to do for a table runner I have been planning for weeks. Hopefully will get both looms warped over the next couple of days. I plan of weaving a lot over the four day weekend! Tina


Nassajah, the new Handwoven issue is very inspiring! Mine came yesterday. THat vest may be my first 8 shaft project when I feel ready for it! I love lace. Reed guy, that chair throw is wonderful! I will need one some day as my chair is getting worn and there is the matter of the cat... I hope to work on my tapestry today while the shrotbread bakes since it takes 50 minutes for each batch. In fact I promise myself tapestry! And Cathie, weaving before chores, giddiness! Like dessert first! Cheers everyone!


One for a chenille blanket  for my grandson and one for a tencel scarf.  I decided at the last minute to make my grandson a throw.  So, that is what I've started with.  I should have it done for him for xmas.  He loves my handmade things.

Claudia Segal (not verified)

I have done a lot in the past week.  I spent most of 2 days under  my Julia getting the 2 sets of lamms rigged to turn the loom from 4 to 8 shafts.  Now that is done and I had to redo it once I have spent the past 2 days weaving.  I am doing a sample shawl in Atwater Bronson lace before I use the alpaca/silk I bought for the real shawl.  It was supposed to be a Christmas present but it's looks like the sample will be the gift and the real shawl will soon follow.  

I discovered I misread the threading and it's not wrong just not like the pattern.  I think it will look ok but not great.  Hey, it's a sample.

D-Stitchins Studio

Reading this thread daily has kept me going when I tired of my overly ambitious Christmas projects...but, daily weaving got me through it and I finished my 9 runners and even one more towel!  Yay... the red runners are ready for the beading and the blue ones are going into the wet-finish mode tonight.... I might even get time to make cookies before Christmas Eve when the family arrives!  Thanks to everyone who kept the daily "weaverliness" alive...

Nassajah (not verified)

I like the pattern of the sample, even if it's threaded incorrectly.  It's interesting and shows the flovely yarn being used.  

But, I also look forward to the 'real thing.' :)


Have several towels done, two more to do! I hope to complete them over the next couple of days when everyone else is sleeping, too much fun! I've been working on the big Tap. But it's a slow go, hard to find the rhythm of last year. Also, got the sketch done for January's tap. Diary, just have to tweak it a bit, then make a cartoon. I need to order yarns, too bad:) Walkingquail, working on Tapestry while making Shortbread sounds wonderful! A Feast for the senses!


cowl warped in the RH loom and have woven about 20 inches so far today. Still playing with the draft for a table runner. Hopefully I will have that tweaked so I can wind the warp this eveing.


I spent several hours and I will spend several more taking apart a shawl that my old loom ruined due to its many unsquare issues. There is some handpainted yarn in there that I want to reuse and not throw out. The shawl was never wet finished so I think I can do it. All the small balls of weft can be re-used on my tapestry loom. But weaving is so much more fun than deconstructing! All the warp is strong so maybe this will work out. Merry Christmas everyone!!


Finished out the cotton sampler for the bed spread. I'm cogitating a bit on that. ;)

I also warped and set up the loom yesterday with some singles (1840 yards/lb) left over from scarves. Used green warp and maroon weft in plain weave.  Wanted to see how it would full or felt. It worked out quite well. I was testing it for coat material, not quite heavy enough. I guess I'll try some Regal 1088 yds/lb


Forgot to add, that the mill does suggest this singles yarn for woven coat material, but also the Regal, which would be heavier. I am wanting a winter coat. I don't need one because I do have a pure wool coat, it's just an exercise. :)


machine ReedGuy and an inspiration to us all!


Need practice and experience, but also need to keep busy. Besides wool is quite cheap here, and I like to experiment. It's actually easier to get wool in any quantity and weight than it is cotton. But it's difficult to find decent wool garments. Figure that one out. :D

loomyladi (not verified)

Everyine has been so productive. I have finished off 14 potholders and have already gifted some. Have some wool to skein iff and wash. It has been aroynd awhile, but is still sound. Ive been loaned ra swift to try. Its a new design, but I do have some concerns.

loomyladi (not verified)

I spent several days visiting with a weaving friend. It was theraputic. It is invigoraring to be fiber conected with another. I learned more about the life story of a weaver I greatly admire, but never met. I am blessed to use her toolslook at her drafts and samples.

Nassajah (not verified)

I prepped the loom to dress it for the scarves in bamboo.  I'll complete the process tomorrow.



Nassajah (not verified)

in the loom prep and will continue for the complete dressing.  Here's the video...



Nassajah, I used to teach weaving and of course we all do things a little bit differently, but just watched the video link you posted and thought it was very clear and the binder rings are a great idea! Looking forward to seeing your scarves, bamboo is wonderful! Today I finish the last Tea Towel and work on Tap. Before roasting the turkey and people get up. Better start going:)


loomylady I use a 19th C style swift all the time. Mine's wooden, like the one in Ed Worst's book on foot powered weaving. Made it myself last winter out of maple in the shop. Of course it's not as simple as it sounds bcause you need the tools. But the principle is nothing complicated. It's just basically a series of X's jointed with rivot and string and connected to a couple ferrises which kind of remind ya of the toy wooden sets that has some pieces round witht he centre punched out. There are a couple steps beyond that, a groove is lathed around the circumference and slits are cut to join the X's and held with wire run on the ends and around that cut groove. The opposite side of the X's are joined by string to a set of X's. Thus you get an umbrella. I use skeined wool and I wind off that onto my pirns and quills. Also use it to measure warp. I can put two skeins on it and two skeins on a reel (also from Worst) and wind warp like a mad man. :D


I fulled the bed spread sampler and I highlighted here a section in a  darker color. Red obviously, I find it brings the pattern out better to use a darker color. I am now getting the itch to procede on my twin sized bed spread. I have 60" weaving width and I think that is just right for pre-shrinkage in this cotton. I will not make it a duvet style, just a single layer. Mom, says it would make a great bedspread, so that's my cue to go ahead. :D Mother likes the light blue, but I like to see the pattern more clear. ;)


red in this sample - I think a navy would be nice as well. I managed to get the moebius cowl for my cousin woven and off the loom today. Still need to twist the fringe and wet finish. Its back to work tomorrow so I will need to get warp wound in the evenings so I can get the MW warped and ready to weave for next weekend - another long weekend.


Hope everyone had a good Christmas with family. Also that anyone weaving gifts, I  hope they were well received. We all know how much work we put into these projects. Take care all. :)


Thank you ReedGuy, also hope you have a nice Boxing Day!


Your smaple looks great.  Nice to hear that mom approves!  I like the red but think the navy will look awesome if you are going to do it in navy.

Walkingquail, I can understand your wanting to save the yarn.  I hope it all goes good for you.  

Wishing all of you had a very safe and happy holiday season.  

I will be staying with my father for a few days, so no weaving for me.  I will be reading handwovern and possibly doing some drafts this week.


Yes, happy and safe holidays to all! CherylB enjoy your visit with your Father! Have fun with your drafting too. Almost have the last tea towel done, will finish today, and work on big Tap. Almost time to get the Jan. Tap. diary loom warped. Need to Finish that cartoon.

loomyladi (not verified)

of course you could inject sections of blue.  Someday I will get around to doing a coverlet.  It is on my "to do" list.  I've rewarped my overshot potholders and the last batch has all found homes.  So it was a productive day.  I still need to wind off some wool and run a couple of warps as I will be traveling and I'm taking my loom, with every intention of watching the ocean from a warm room while entertaining myself.  I've traveled with a wheel before but this is my first time to take my loom.  It's a 20" Purrington 4/6 and is light weight.  Trying to consolidate all of the necessary equipment for the possilibites is the difficult part.  


I have three runners, the bedspread and a tablecloth all worked out for an order of cotton at CVF in Ontario. All my own drafts.

Have a good one. :)


I have to slack today, my wrist which I injured last year is acting up so that means no weaving for today. But I can work, I think, on the cartoon, if not I can design on the computer, which is always fun:)


warped and sleyed the reed for a tencel warp scarf.  First time ever working with Tencel.  It is so soft.  Hope to finish up this weekend.  


I haven't been weaving for days now. I got a cold and am a bit dizzy. I'm planning some towels for my sister and when I get better I will make a warp for my dress-project.


a warp tonight. Finished up a cowl a couple of days ago and have been slowly twisting fringe. Also playing with a Swedish lace draft for a taable runner (that's what the warp is for) as well as trying to come up with some stash busting projects for the next several months. Most of my time the past couple fo days - when I have had time to craft - has been spent knitting on a cowl / kerchief for my sister. The yarn is an alpaca/silk blend and is heavenly to the touch.

Nassajah (not verified)

I finally got the bamboo warp beamed, and it was really easy to get on.  The bamboo is nice and soft and slides well, as well as a narrow warp made for an easy beaming.  I hope to start the heddles tomorrow and begin weaving in the next two days.  I'm doing the Garden Trellis pattern and hope it comes out as expected.




Worked on big Tap. And new box of tap yarns came:)


I'm thinking on doing a pillow coverlet in double weave (tube), close one end and zipper the other.

I see Ed Worst's book shows Braddock's Defeat, but no tie up. Only shows threadling/treadling. It's a Colonial pattern.

Anyone happen to know the tie-up? It's only 4 shaft.


I guess I figured it out. What makes it odd is you have to zoom out small to see the pattern as in the book. 492 ends and 492 picks. Plain weave tie-up.

loomyladi (not verified)

Its great to see so much getting done.  I was enjoying looking at photos a few minutes ago and it struck me, WE are a really cool bunch of folks.  Just think what do all those football junkies have to show for there hours of obsession?  We have something wonderful, useful, practical, frivolous, AND we have a great time making it as well!  I had a minor problem in transit with my loom, but repair made.  I have also skeined off 2200 yards of wool, which has been washed and is hanging to dry.  Tomorrow I will spend a little time balling it up.  I'm looking forward to a colorful assortment of 100 yard balls which are destined for the loom.  Oh, and did I mention that I watched the sun rise and took a fabulous walk on the beach today?  I plan to do the same tomorrow of course!


managed to get a warp on the RH - its been sitting naked for nearly a week. I am doing a SABLE challenge so all the ayrn for this project had to come out of my stash. I also have the MW almost warped - well threaded and ready to sley for a Swedish lace table runner. If i don't get it sleyed tonight I will do so in the morning after I get home from work - I am only working 3 hours then taking the rest of the day off.


Wow, you are busy Loomilady. That certainly is work doing up that yarn.

And time to walk on the beech. Here, we are froze in for 8 months. Our beech sand is cold as ice and the waters too hard to dive into. It all turns to water by May and the illusion of paradise returns. :D

Gotta get those heddles threaded. ;)


home I've managed to dress the loom and am almost finished with a Tencel scarf.  Needed to go to my favorite yarn shop to get something for the weft.  14 cones of yarn later, I think I'm all set for awhile.  Picked up some wool in charcoal, gray, red and cream, some cotton for a baby blanket, some rayon and some mercerized cotton.  

Life will soon be getting back to normal so I can start weaving daily again.

Wishing all a very safe and Happy New Year!



great haul Cheryl - happy new year! I am trying to stay away from my LYS at least until next year ;) - I am expecting some yarn in the mail in the next couple of days and then I really need ot use up some of my stash. One of the groups I am in over in Rabelry is doing a year long SABLE challenge making projects using only what you have in your stash. It will be a real challenge! Of course there is nothing in the rules that says we can't buy more stash to replace what we are using! When I get home from work this morning I am sleying the MW and beginning a Swedish lace table runner. Tomorrow - except for a break to go to the movies - I am planning on weaving my fingers off!


finished (except for twisting fringe) project and one warped and ready to ge. Once I am off the computer I will be sleying the reed on the MW. Pics of that project to follow later.