Are there any web videos showing someone weaving with three rigid heddles?  I've read the two books (Xenakis and McKenzie) on the topic of making 4-harness textiles with the rigid heddle, but I'm having trouble picturing how it actually works.  It sounds cumbersome to manage all those heddles.  I'd like to figure out how it works before I actually spend the money for extra heddles.  Any advice will also be appreciated!


Sara von Tresckow

For those wanting to do more with the rigid heddle loom there are other ways than purchasing lots of expensive heddles.

You want to look into the heddle bar - a simple stick with continuous string heddles - "Step by Step Weaving" by Nell Znamierowski (out ot print, but available used from $1.95) shows the technique on simple home built frames very well. This is the same heddle bar used to make the pull shed on Navajo looms or warp weighted looms and works on the tensioned threads you have on your RH loom frame.

Both the Vikings and the Navajo make twills this way.

And those aren't "harnesses" they are shafts - a heddle bar, tied to selected threads and raised is as good as a shaft on a floor loom.

Amelia Garripoli (not verified)

It can be cumbersome... Making string heddles would let you know if you liked it, or wanted to use a table loom instead. I've used 2 heddles with good success, but the shed ( open area between upper and lower warp ) got smaller. With 3 heddles, it might be pretty skinny.


A rigid heddle has slots and holes. Imagine as if each one is a shaft. So 1 rh gives you two shafts and 2 rh give you 4 shafts with which you can have all 4shaft combinations. You ll either have upshed or downshed.In some cases a pick up stick can work as a third (5th if you're using 2heddles)shaft or move up with one move both holes and slots of the same rh . Web videos you can find on So check this out because maybe all you need is a pick up stick.

Sara von Tresckow

And don't leave out that when using more than one rigid heddle, there is a problem with uneven density of warp causing reed marks.

There can be only a single thread coming through the front heddle's holes. All other threads come through the first heddles slots giving a sort of 3 and 1 pattern with the warp threads.

If you really want a 4-shaft loom, you need to go with the heddle sticks or a loom with shafts and a reed.

francorios (not verified)

To add to the excellent advice given by Sarah, I some notes from my blog Oct 2008: 4 Harness Conversion for Rigid Heddle Loom - Cheap! If you want to try twill weave with your rigid heddle, you will have to add heddles or harnesses. A neat trick was just posted on the internet a few days ago. Leigh Dudenhoeffer added string heddles and harness sticks to her rigid heddle loom. This site shows pictures and description of the conversion. Build a Loom Frame and How to Use Your Table Loom As a 4 Harness Loom!!! (two short articles on the page, large pictures) There is also a VIDEO of weaving on the modified loom 10/09/08 The RH actually sits in the holding slot. The string harnesses go behind the RH since the area in front of the RH is used for the shed. Be sure to make the recommended visit to Marla Mallet's website for instructions on primitive loom construction, heddles, and heddle bars. Don't put warp through the little holes in the RH, put two threads through each slot. The RH is used as a reed to maintain spacing. A comb is used beat/place the weft. The process is not as fast as using multiple rigid heddles. Advantage is the cost is low and it uses your existing rigid heddle loom frame. It give more possibilities to existing equipment for the cost of sticks and string! It is a very clever application. Much applause to Leigh Dudenhoeffer for sharing her loom conversion trick on the internet. Have a good day!


now that I have plain weave down and am thinking about getting a second heddle to do twill.  Now I might save the 50 bucks on a second heddle and try this with string heddles first.


sarahnopp (not verified)

Have you looked at Weaving with Three Rigid Heddles by Divid McKinney?

sarahnopp (not verified)

Have you looked at Weaving with Three Rigid Heddles by Divid McKinney?