I noticed that we (collectively) have all been slacking on updating what we are up to. So, I thought, why not a thread just to check in and report what we did for the day. Not necessarilly something in need of discussion (although of course we can comment and offer encouragement), but rather an accountability for what we did today. So I'll go....TODAY I attended The Jackson's Mill Heritgae Guild in Weston, WV. I've been twice in the last 6 months - shame on me. I wound a neutral warp for overshot hotpads AND I wove a tea towel on a Baby Wolf. Ironically, I selected the project, wound the warp and did part of the warping but did not get a chance to weave on the community project until today. I was the last one, I finished off the warp and got to bring my towel home! YEAH for me. Perhaps I will do something weaverly when I get home this eve., but we shall see. So what did YOU do that was "weaverly" today?



this thread - I was thinking the very same thing! Lat night I finished some dish cloths - I will try and get them hemmed - or at least start to hem - them tonight. I have been pretty good about doing something weaverly every day even if I haven't been reporting it!

loomyladi (not verified)

Very few of us are blessed to have someone to "talk shop" with.  Not even my daughter understands that just because I'm done weaving, and it's off the loom, that there is still work to do.  Face to face contact with other weavers is so precious, this virtual world fills a need. 


Loom sleyed with some wool for a scarf...wove a bit every day until last night. Sister had surgery today and I stayed the night with her last night to get her there and tonight to be her caretaker. But if knitting counts, I've been knitting my son's slouch hat last night and while in the waiting room.

D-Stitchins Studio

I agree, just because it's off the loom, there is still much finishing work on some items.  Took off 4 christmas runners off the loom, twisted fringe until my fingers couldn't move anymore then wet-finished them.  Now to finish them off with the beading before I can call them done... and move on to the next set ....but, I find this helps to see what others do daily and it really does move things along by doing at least a minimum amount of "weaverly things" each day.  


I hemmed my towels, put them into water whit some vinegar over night, and will wash them later.

I have woven a pillow in corduroy and I used my scissors to cut the treads until my hand hurt, have to finish that today.


Working on a cover for my recliner in Crepe weave. I wove a couple feet, it's 48.75" wide and 3.5 yard warp. 390 ends. Using up some left over 2-ply wool. :)

Link to Draft page

D-Stitchins Studio


I haven't heard of soaking your project in vinegar overnight before, what is the reason for this?  Is this done with all types of yarns, or only certain types?



Mayby it's just superstition, but that the way I leaned from more experienced weavers and I do it with all my woven stuff. (not paper or other yarns who will be dissolved in water, of course)

When you pull your item of the loom, the treads have to manage their place in the pattern, the cold bath helps the process and the vinegar fix the colors, so that the colors does not flow together.


and happily weaving again.  Hope to finish weaving the scarf today.  Then what?  Hmmmm.....

loomyladi (not verified)

So I walked by the loom, and put some books away in the studio.  I did look at The Big Book of Weaving!  Otherwise I was only productive around the house, cleaning, finishing the tree, but still so much to do.  Happy Weaving all!


A warm blanket or throw for those cold MI winters? :)


That's just what I was thinking.  I have some Chenille that I have to use and was thinking a nice soft throw.


Sometimes I drag my feet at the completion of an item that I know I will need to hem. I feel I have to be fully attentive and in a good mood to do a good job. But I plan to arrive at my loom ready to hem my lace scarf after I finish this sage & mint tea!


Sometimes I drag my feet at the completion of an item that I know I will need to hem. I feel I have to be fully attentive and in a good mood to do a good job. But I plan to arrive at my loom ready to hem my lace scarf after I finish this sage & mint tea!

Monica Bellas (not verified)

I wove about 12 inches tonight on my rigid heddle loom; just couldn't get the energy going to work on those Christmas towels.  That's for tomorrow!


weaving yesterday - did do some knitting on a project that needs to get done from Christmas. But I did do some planning on a table runner project. Might get the warp wound today.


I finished my chair cover on the loom yesterday, now to twist fringe while watching some movies. :)


I have searched my stash for yarn to a new project.

I have some Noro Sukko that I'll like to use as weft for a poncho and I will start with a sample where I use different colors in the warp and with different  tie-ups a plane weave, a tvill and a crepe.


that sounds yummy.  

ReedGuy, do you have pics?

I love to see everybody's projects.  I wover only a bit and didn't finish the scarf.  More weaving on it this morning.


Soon as I get the twisting and washing behind me. I do have a couple photos on my draft page. More to come. :)

loomyladi (not verified)

need to get some thread to hem my potholders.  Christmas luncheon tomorrow, ideally I will have 6 hemmed finished. 


New to group and I got some work done today. Worked on my Tapestry Diary this a.m. Then finished threading the Tea Towels for the Guild Exchange. I still have to do the reed. I didn't like how the back beam looked and was a bit worried about the tension, so rebeamed the warp with the help of DH:) it's rock solid now, much better. Tommorrow I hope to get on the big Tap. Loom and start working on finishing a project I started a year ago! There's yarn everywhere and I love it!

ryashani (not verified)

This weekend I finished a scarf made with homespun that was on my RH loom and wove close to another yard of the first warp on my new floor loom.  I should finish that project on Friday and MIGHT even warp up something new before the holidays!

Claudia Segal (not verified)

I had a very productive weekend. Finished a scarf,except to tie the fringe on one end and I spent 4 hours under my Julia getting all 8 shafts tied to the lamms. On to the treadles tomorrow!

Claudia Segal (not verified)

I had a very productive weekend. Finished a scarf,except to tie the fringe on one end and I spent 4 hours under my Julia getting all 8 shafts tied to the lamms. On to the treadles tomorrow!


and have been designing some drafts for whatever is coming next.


"designing some drafts for whatever is coming next" I guess you have played with your weaving software *<||;-)


hoping to warp a new project tomorrow, probably a perle cotton lace scarf.I need to trim the fringe on my Jagger spun 50/50 lace scarf which is super light and airy. No weaving today, Sunday. Just too darned busy with the business of life and starting a new week.


Finished up the throw for the chair yesterday.


Yes, I sure like it. I put it together from leftover yarn from other projects. Easier to keep the chair clean. :)


Like the color combo.  

And yes Grethe, I love to play with the software.  It's pretty amazing some of the things you can come up with.


ReedGuy - Look at all this activity by everyone - good job! I picked out yarn for a new cowl project - meaning I played around in my stash to see waht I had and to try and justify a trip to the yarn store! Tonight I have got to work on winding a warp - I was very lazy all weekend!


endorph, you have to take a break sometimes. Although many of us like to be busy at something. ;)

I've got to go to the shop sometime soon and fix a piece of furniture, that if it were mine, I'd throw on the rock pile. :)

Nassajah (not verified)

I finished a table runner. But, my warp in bamboo for scarves is almost finished being wound and I started to sley the table runner.

Joanne Hall

Hi Claudia,

When we set up the looms at weaving conferences, I usually have someone nearby to help me lift Julia onto a table for the treadle tie-up.  She doesn't weigh very much.  Then I can sit in a chair to put the cords into the treadles.  So, if you have a table which is wide enough, it makes the tie-up very comfortable.   

And remember, you can turn the treadle on it's side so that you can see the pin as you put it into the hole.


Claudia Segal (not verified)

Thanks Joanee. I was able to complete it in a couple of sessions on the floor. My back is a bit sore but I am now planning several shawls with this tie up. I'll remember the table idea for next time. So, today I finished the tie up and started spreading the warp. I found one crossed thread that needs fixing and I'll be off and weaving. I'm really looking forward to this shawl. It's an Atwater Bronson lace project. I hope to comple it in time for Christmas. I know, it's a bit ambitious. I should have added shafts 5-8 sooner. Pictures coming soon. BTW, rather than using the texsolv pins, I used a size 8 and 9 knitting needle to slip into the buttonhole of the texsolv and hold the treadle cords in place. Worked like a charm. Claudia


does that count? I have been on such a roll lately and my baby wolf looks lonely. Tomorrow, please! I am learning so much by weaving a bit everyday


WalkingQuail, looking through Handwovens or other weaving books counts I believe as Inspiration and learning! Yesterday I finished threading the reed for the Tea Towels. I started back at the big Tapestry loom which I'm particularily proud of . I injured my wrist last year doing Tap and couldn't weave for 6 months, torn cartilage . go figure! So starting to work on this tapestry again is kind of like getting back on the horse that bucked ya! I also read Margo Selby's book Color and Texture in Weaving. I have to give a small presentation with samples ( of my own)in April. So I better get cracking once the towels are finished.


I've got to start making or keeping notes of my drafts, fibre used and setts. I'll have to look for some type of large binder with plastic pockets or those sheet protectors to store samples and drafts in. Always something to do. :)


ReedGuy, storing all the samples proves problematic for me because they are so bulky. I'm looking for a new system too. Thinking of Manila folders containing notes, plastic sleeve with samples then small filing cabinet. I'm running out of shelving space. My old project notebooks are a shambles, with samples sticking out! Plus some of my notes are so cryptic! Should really spend a summer rewriting and organizing them:)


a tapestry class friend who lives near me. I figured out which house is hers by the redwood tree she told me about and her van in the carport. I wanted to track her down because I found a used loom for sale that is exactly the one she wants! I have met some really nice people since I started weaving and I want to keep up the generation of good feeling. This daily check in is sort of like a class because you get to hear from people who may even become friends.


Four of them for a friend and one tencel (yummy) for me.  Not in the mood to weave the chenille quite yet.  Maybe something with the tencel...I agree WalkingQuail, this daily check in is a great idea.  Perusing the newest issue of Handwoven getting ideas.

Nassajah (not verified)

my Handwoven.  It takes a good while for it to arrive, but know there are great articles to read by the comments of other weavers.


Today I starting weaving the tea towels. One wee threading mistake(600 threads) but I can easily fix that with a string heddle. Tested weft colors. Tommorrow I'm set to go!


Got a little natural linen and red cottolin onto a tiny inkle loom. Liking the bit I have woven, wondering if I have enough to do a towel in same combination. Once I finish the towels already on my loom... Not sure if looking for a missing weaving book is weaverly, but it has consumed a fair bit of time, and remains illusive.


Brand New Day! Everyone arrives at our house for the Hollidays tonight ! since I'm a very early riser and they're all on west coast time, I hope to be weaverly every morning. So today I'm weaving before chores, which makes me almost giddy! It will all get done with a smile on my face. today I weave tea towels and Tap. , then go to the grocery store:)

Cheryl M White

I had been on a roll and did some weaving every day for the last 2 weeks. Sunday hit and I got sidetracked by Christmas, cleaning, my first day off in 3 weeks etc.  To be blunt-I was lazy and doodled all day.  Since then I have been researching summer and winter and 8 harness overshot, so I have read A LOT!!!  Has to count


Cheryl M White

I had been on a roll and did some weaving every day for the last 2 weeks. Sunday hit and I got sidetracked by Christmas, cleaning, my first day off in 3 weeks etc.  To be blunt-I was lazy and doodled all day.  Since then I have been researching summer and winter and 8 harness overshot, so I have read A LOT!!!  Has to count
