I have managed to do at east a bit in the way of weaving this week - I have beamed on warp and am about half-way through threading the heddles for towels. I have been ill most of the week so am not able to do too much - starting to feel better. Since the goal in this group is to just do something weaverly everyday, I am suceeding. Small group so far but hopefully we will grow as time goes on. Tina



Got Dorothy loom set up for M and W dish towels, rigid heddle started on spa wash cloths in linen, and best of all, bought a wonderful Frankenloom. Rigid heddle Dryad that had been used for over 14 year to teach 4H kids. It has been lovingly shored up and repaired over the years, and is just looking for a project.


I'm not sure how this current project will turn out as I wasn't sure what to use for a weft with some silk stash I had on hand as warp.  I'm trying some 5/2 mercerized cotton.  So far so good.  

sally orgren

Kudos to you all for keeping up a GOOD habit!

I am three+ weeks without weaving now. Despite good intentions when I evacuated from Sandy (I stowed two looms in the trunk, including a Structo 240/8 with nearly 5 yards of warp on it) but I didn't weave a pick. And tomorrow I am on the road again (flying this time), so we'll see if I can get Inky (my inkle loom) woven off by the time I return. Or at least, try for 5 minutes a day. I'll check back in when able... This is so NOT me. (Ask my guild mates, they would all be shocked.)



This is the one and only group to join. I have decided to weave or do weavely things  at least 2 hours every workday. So far this week, I have done my job. I have 2 project in progress, some towels in cotton and linen, and some pillows in cottolin and linen.


Good morning,

This group should be better than any New Year's resolution.



A friend came to rescue a warp I tried to put backwards. he stayed to count ,uncross and redistribute string heddles. Finally, ready to thread.


Expecting 4 lbs. of chenille today. Will start warping tonight!


that is some friend! I finally got my warp threaded, sleyed and tied-on - had to tie-on twice but finally am weaving on my towels. Took way too long to get the loom warped on this one. Am going to get a warp wound for the next project so I am all ready to go when this one comes off the loom. Sounds like everyone is doing great so far.

D-Stitchins Studio

I am new to this group and posted wrong the first time.... maybe you can delete that blank posting under "New to Group"?  Anyways...great to have a support group to encourage daily weaving and/or project planning.  I currently have 2 projects going that I hope (??) to have done in time for Christmas.  8 Christmas runners, 4 in blues on my smaller loom and and 4 in red on my Cranbrook... 2 1/2 done so far...if I weave a bit daily I should be able to complete these.


You've got going on D. But I can see you finishing with time to spare!


I am resleying the reed and tying on for an undulating twill. It is at the request from my nephew for Christmas.


using the wrong color weft - oops! So I will be changing my plans and doing a medium blue towel, and a dark blue towel and a red towel - was going to do a dark blue, red and yellow - that's okay - my sister's kitchen is blue and red so this will work just fine too!

loomyladi (not verified)

Yes, I have commitment issues.  I moved 6 months ago, now have a designated studio and still don't have it put together!  My schedule is crazy between work and school, but I WILL put in time everyday.  So far I have done something "weaverly" everyday for the past 3 days and it feels good.  Today I will be deliver some finished projects to a gift shop AND spend some time in the studio.  I have a stack of books that need put away and then there is the box of stuff from a demo I did 2 months ago that is needing put away.  On Thanksgiving I'm picking up my shelving unit and then I should be able to make significent progress.  



I have been struggling with my little loom. It's been a while since I last used this loom. I have forgotten the ratio between the shaft, the lamms and the treadles, so I have a big enough shed. So I have spend more time underneath the loom than in front. But now I'm weaving. 

My little CM loom

loomyladi (not verified)

I have worked in the studio everyday! Two sets of shelves painted and will be installed on Friday after I get my wire shelves up. I'm looking forward to getting the piles of fiber and equipment off the floor. I'm hoping I'll be more motivated to spend time in there once the mess is cleaned up. I know that I have 3 knitting projects in there .....somewhere.....

Claudia Segal (not verified)

Knitting, did someon say knitting???  Does that count if I cannot weave for a few weeks due to injury?

For the second time in 5 weeks, I fell while out walking and actually heard my ribs crack this time.  The first time, Oct 15, I fell on my right side and either cracked or just dislocated my ribs.  This time it was the left side and I actually could hear it crack.  Ugh.  Pardon me if this note makes little sense, I'm on pain killers that are barely working.  Or maybe I'm barely working LOL



we can accept knitting as weaving activity! Catch up on your reading and resting. I am so sorry you fell agian - take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing! Tina

weave2 (not verified)

sooner than later. Yoga can help regain and keep our balance. Maybe you can try it when you're able.Alaa


I am so sorry to hear you fell again, Claudia. 

I live in a place where the winter is very slippery. Streets are covered with ice and when it snows or rains it gets extremely slippery. So I have a few things to defend myself. If ice is the problem I can recommend something like this:

tien (not verified)

I hope you feel better soon!!


loomyladi (not verified)

Claudia -While knitting is what the body can handle we know your heart is weaving! Take Care!


past two days but I did get nine towels hemmed and washed and ready to wrap for presents! Woohoo!

loomyladi (not verified)

It was midnight, but my overshot potholders are in the reed.  Let the warping commency at 4:30.  I will be weaving - - - tonight!

loomyladi (not verified)

7 are done, did I warp for 12 or 14?  Hmmm.....  I'll just keep weaving until the warp is finished.  My goal is to finish the warp tonight!  I'm thinking of rewarping the same project.  Just to have a stash of finished potholders.


I have another Crepe weave, based on satin that I want to employ to use up some 2-ply wool yarn. Plus I need something to weave this week before I start two more queen blankets next week. Also, can't stand being idle. Drives me crazy. :D This project will be a cover for a recliner chair. Easier to wash than trying to keep a chair dusted and clean. Lordy!! The chore has no end. :)