Slowly. I managed to rough sley the reed to beam the warp. Yesterday I even put the warp on the loom and am ready to beam it on the back. The wool is very sticky and I am a bit concerned about beaming it with the lease sticks. I know, go slowly and shake the warp often to unstick it. It might take me 3 or 4 days to beam all 3.5 yards (haha) but at least I'm weaving. Well, making steps in the right direction. I'll post photos soon. Threading might be a big challenge along with doing the tie-up. Claudia of the broken ribs



it is great to hear you are at the loom again - take it slow and easy. Let us know how you are getting along - both at the loom and in the healing process!

loomyladi (not verified)

Remember the TURTLE won the race


Claudia, you may have already finished beaming your warp, but here's a piece of advice that helped me immensely when I had trouble moving the lease sticks through a sticky warp. Look at post #5 from Kerstin.

r1mein54 (not verified)

As someone who used to be a bit like "Tim the toolman Taylor" and never had the patients to fully heal either, I did gain enough age and wisdom to understand the human body DOES require it.

Claudia Segal (not verified)

Thank you all.  I have beamed a warp (yay) last Sunday and actually threaded 10 threads yesterday.  Talk about taking it slowly.

My weaverly task for today is to gather together several scarves to bring to my physical therapy appt tomorrow.  Several staff members are interested in making purchases!  Does that count for weaving???

Happy weaving,



I think showing off woven articles should count as something weaverly! Good luck Tina


Yup, sure does count.

I wove a bale of scarves a bit ago, and got two fringed, 3 to do. It would be long done by now, but I was doing other weaving tasks.

I was taking my time because of this cold. My nose has ran for more than a week, and of course goes down your lungs. :/

loomyladi (not verified)

I have completed more weaverly things in the last 2 weeks than I have in the last 2 months. Woo hoo. This group is an inspiration. It's encouraging to realize that we all struggle to find time to do something everyday. The adjustment in attitude that planning a project or even showing scarfs is part of the process is liberating. I wound, warped, and wove a set of wool garters this am. Not a huge project, but an accomplished project. I even completed a project planning sheet BEFORE weaving, wove a sample, and the pieces are finished and hanging to dry. Too bad I have to be at work in an hour. I was wimpy and used my Purrington 4/6 in the spirit of the Inkle and it went really fast. Not a big project I know, but the biggest I've taken on in more than 6 months. I took off the beater, warped 1 & 2 and used my inkle shuttle. It went much quicker than on my inkle so technically they are warp faced, but irregardless they look like inkle and will serve the purpose intended.


Hope you are mending well.  ReedGuy, I can't thank you enough fo rthe cold :)

Wishing everybody a good weaverly weekend!