I would like to introduce myself. I am a knitter and have been a spinner and weaver on a Baby Wolf loom but have given up the spinnning and the Baby wolf and now have a Schacht Flip loom which I love. I like the ease of warping it and the ability to be really upclose to the weaving and able to keep track of any little mistakes as they happen.  I look forward tothe slower pace of weaving and of doing one of a kind instead of the sets of 4 to 6 or 8 placemats as I have been doing.

As a very senior citizen I am enjoying the fun of learning something new and exciting to me. I am looking forward to sharing and leqarning in this group



Claudia Segal (not verified)

Hi Sally,

Welcome to rigid heddle weaving.  I love the ease of warping and the color and weave variations that can be done on an rh loom, too.

I am, technically, also a senior citizen and weave on a Flip, too.  I have owned several rh looms and this one is the best, by far.  I have even woven linen fabric on it and the tension was perfect.  

Feel free to post any questions here or in the Weaving forum.  

Claudia, Weavolution co-founder and passionate rh weaver


I too have the Flip and love it. I have made many different items on it and love exploring the possibilities of the rh loom. According to AARP I too am a senior citizen but UNcle Sam does not yet consider me so! :-) Tina