Can you believe it? So far I have been very good about doing something weaverly every day for the past two months. There have been days when it has been a struggle but seeing everything you are doing is helping to keep me motivated. So I am finishing up the last of the twoesl I am doing as presents. Will do a short warp this week to make matching dish cloths for some towels I did back in October. Then it is on to a table runner that has been in the planning stages since August! I also have a commission to do another moebius cowl. How about everyone else? Are you ready for the holidays - whichever you may celebrate? Rush to get things done or enjoying being ready and able to weave just for pleasure? So far everyone in this group seems to be making great strides to celebrate the weaverliness in us each and every day. Tina



I'm have been very good about doing something weaverly every day. My towels are half done and my pillows are of the loom and ready for sewing. 

I went to a Christmas fair yesterday and got inspired. There was a knitted poncho, that look like a dress. I think I will do some samples whit the Noro Sekku yarn I bought last autumn.


This group is an awesome idea and has been keeping me busy with fiber.  Whether buying more, knitting, designing and weaving.  It's nice because it has a way of slowing down the chaos all around. 

loomyladi (not verified)

As an incentive I invited friends to my home on Christmas Eve. Just for a little get together to talk and relax. This gesture requires a few things from me above and beyond party prep.

The studio has been in transition for 6 months (gulp), has to be usable and comfortable, the library MUST have the rest of the boxes put away and be USABLE, perhaps I will get the books alphabetized??? and of course Christmas decorations.

Due to circumstances in life this is my first Christmas on my own in MANY MANY years and I haven't put a tree up in almost 8 years so it is time. This is all VERY good, I'm upbeat, positive, and what to share the blessings of the past few years with friends old & new.

Not surprisingly the part I'm enjoying the most is the STUDIO! I've been at it for two hours this evening - and I can't believe I have let it set in such a disarray. Still much to do, but I want to start some friends weaving by Jan 1. One day at a time.......weaving and fiber will help me maintain my if I can only find my Lazy Kate!!!