I am a proud new owner of a older Toika loom with 16 shafts and I have been getting her ready for a project and have the heddles almost threaded, am only using 8 harnesses at the present time since I was only use to 4 harnesses on my other 2 looms.  I have a question do you cut the heddles a part or leave them connected, This has been a ongoing debate with my husband.  I like the option of moving them separately so I have cut the ones for this project and took the others off the loom for now, I really like the way you can add them easily if you miss counted.  I will have lots of questions so thanks in advance for all the advice



I do cut my heddles apart. Imagine you are using 16 harness, and a straight treading with some bulky yarn, there won't be enought space between two heddles at the same shaft, if you don't cut..


I like to have them uncut, because it is so easy to find the next. However, sometimes it is not practical (doing blocks, for instance) - so I cut. I have been using these same heddles for well over 20 years now, and it will likely take at least 10 more until they are all cut... which proves that sometimes you can "have it both ways"!

Sara von Tresckow

Like Kerstin, I prefer uncut heddles because they act as a "heddle dispenser". You move the heddle to the side and the next one in line pops up. It is also much easier to put uncut heddles back in order if you "whoops" them.

The uncut solution works just fine on up to 8 shafts. When you have more shafts, it becomes necessary to cut them so you can reach more easily to the rear shafts. I have uncut heddles on my 8 shaft looms, but cut them on the 16 shaft dobby.

Probably the thing to consider right now, if the loom is new to you, you can easily cut them later - but its not possible to put them back together.

Joanne Hall

Hi Kathy,

I am sure you will have a great time with this loom.  I have some basic instructions on our website.  Check it out:

You can get to this from our home page:


click on Learning about Looms, then click again on Basic loom info.  There are four files.  The first one has some basic instructions.  The third file has the countermarch information.



I cut them because I have 16 shafts on my loom.  As you can see, it depends and it is personal preference....  :)



kathy (not verified)

Thanks for the comments and that is what I thought it was personal preference about the heddles.  Joanne, I ordered your book and I am following it to the letter.  I have a warp on it and it is an unbalance draft but I think I can handle this.  Please tell me that once you have the harness on it and balanced etc, that it is easier with the next warps and it won't take this long, I have climbed in and under the loom to find the easiest way to tie up and my knees are sore :) I so hope I will like this loom.

Joanne Hall

Hi Kathy,

For your next warp you may not need to change any of the tie-up cords.  However, just as with any other loom, if you choose a different treadle tie-up, you will need to change the treadle cords.  The Finnish looms do not allow you to change the position of the countermarch and hang the shafts back further for comfort, but once you decide how to get comfortable, then you can do it that way each time.  The size of the loom affects the tie-up comfort.  And having a larger, deeper loom makes warping more comfortable.
