two or three or more to go - these are presents for my sister, not sure yet how many I'll do for her - I'll just weave to the end of the warp then decide if she gets them all or if I'll send a couple to my sis in law as well. So I am hoping to get those finished in the next couple of days, then putting on a warp to try out a different draft - towels and maybe a table runner - we'll see how that experiment turns out! How is everyone else doing - I am looking forward to the long weekend to get some quality weaving done, along wiht some quality eating and napping!


Cheryl M White

Yesterday was a late day for me, I didn't get in til after 8:00pm.  However, I did plan a scarf so I guess planning counts.  I am making hats on one of those circular knitting looms, and adding scraps of handwoven fabric.  I want to make scarves (quick ones) to go with the hats to make a set.  The yarn was a heavier weight so I am planning a canvas weave with lighter sections of a thinner yarn to keep down the bulk.  At least that is the theory.

Hope to get to weave it on Friday and work on my towel warp.

I assume we get a break for Turkey Day as folks will need to cook and socialize.



folks who do not get anything weaverly done tomorrow in areas where it is THanksgiving! :-)  I for one am finding myself alone with the dogs tomorrw and am going to enjoy a nice relaxing day watching the parade, and then getting at least some weaving done! Your plan for scarves to match the hats, sounds like a good one.                          Tina


towels hot off the loom and waiting to be hemmed and washed. Now off to wind a warp. If I am really ambitious I will try and get it rough sleyed this evening.


2 more to go. A broken warp-tread to repair and I'm back on track. I think I'll change the colour of the weft for the next ones, it is boring weaving white for tree towels :)

Cheryl M White

Just checking in on everyone, and now I am off to have a whole day weaving!!  I plan to work on my long towel warp and warp for a demo I have to do at an historical site on Dec 7th.  Christmas colors for sure!!



towel warp - playing with an undulating twill draft from SallyE - changing up the treadling sequence to see what happens.


two on the current warp and started variation number three - tromp as writ.

Cheryl M White

The warp is on the demo loom, a pretty forest green and I am plodding along on my towel warp. On number 11 so I am getting close to the end. Hopefully can get one woven tonite after work before I fall asleep. Have 3 more hats to finish also.



photo oftreadling variations number 4 and 5 on this warp - so far number three is my favorite . . . . Think I will get one more towel after the yellow one.