Hi folks -

I'm slowing getting my Glimakra Ideal set up with a Myrehed single unit draw attachment that was meant for a 48" Standard. I've had to do some cutting and drilling, though not as much as if I had built from scratch. Now I'm preparing my first warp and it occured to me that I don't know what dent reed the attachment should have. For this warp a 6 dent reed will work, but will I need different reeds for different projects? 

This warp will be sett at 18 epi, I'm sure future warps that are sett closer will need finer reeds.... yes?

Thank you.



SallyE (not verified)

I'm new to this myself, but from what I understand, you need a reed the right size for the block size you are using.   So, for example, if your warp will be set at 30 epi, and each pattern block is 5 threads, then your single unit draw will be 30 divided by 5, which means you need a 6 dent reed. 

Of course you can think of plenty examples where the answer will be something that doesn't exist unless it's cusom made.   But a reed one dent + / - will still work.


Dawn McCarthy

Are you talking about the reed for the regular warp or the reed for the drawcords?  I calculate my reed for the main warp as usual sett/epi/reed of the actual yarn.



Joanne Hall

Sally is right.  It is good to note that this reed is for the single unit drawloom to keep the drawcords in order.  The shaft drawloom does not need this reed.

But also remember that if the warp is not the full width of the loom, you do not need to match the width of the drawcords to the width of the warp.  I have always used an 8 dent reed.  Sometimes with thicker threads, the warp is wider than the drawcords.  Sometimes, with finer warp, the drawcords are wider.


Robin Murphy (not verified)

Thank you for the help, Sally and Joanne. I wasn't sure if the drawcords had to be the same width as the warp. For this warp I would have to leave every fourth dent empty on the drawcord reed to get it to come out the same width.

Is this necessary? Is it desireable? I haven't done any drawloom weaving yet, so I don't really know what to expect. Once I have this warp under my belt, I hope to not have so many questions. At least, not so many basic questions. 


Joanne Hall

The only time you need to be concerned is when you weave the full width of the loom.  Then the drawcords cannot be wider than the weaving width.  I always us the 8 dent reed, but I have never woven the full width of the loom.


SallyE (not verified)

One more fine point.  I don't know what you are using for drawchords, but I used fine nylon drapery chord because it is VERY strong.   But it is a little heavier than the linen that some people use, so the dents have to be large enough to handle my chord and let it slide easily.

Robin Murphy (not verified)

Thank you, Joanne. Right now the only reed I have that will fit the attachment is 6 dent, so I'll work with that for a while. I realize it might be rather coarse once I start finer weaving, but it should work for the time being.


Robin Murphy (not verified)

I will be tying the drawcords out of a fine, strong yarn that came with the attachment, I'm guessing it's linen..... maybe seine twine, but I really don't know. I don't need many drawcords for this first project, so tying them isn't a big deal.

Thanks for the advice, Sally.


Dawn McCarthy

Seine twine works well as it has very little stretch and is very strong.  It dyes well too if you want to identify cords in groups.

Dawn (Uses an 8 dent reed for her drawcords)


Robin Murphy (not verified)

Good to know that you also use an 8 dent reed, I think I'll have to keep my eyes open for a 39" one.

I don't really know what this yarn/cord is... it is about the size of 8/2 cotton, has a very definite texture -- I can feel (and see) the twists very clearly -- and it burns like a quiet candle. I had to blow the flame out, but it wasn't raging. I have two colors so I don't have to bother dyeing it. 

I hope to tie the drawcords in the next few days and might be weaving by the weekend. The warp is on and the ground shafts are waiting to be tied.

This is going to be so much fun!
