I want to congratulate everyone on their awesome weaverly activity this month. Lots of projects were completed, planned, started and discussed. Whew! I am exhausted just thinking about all this productivity. Now to keep up the good work in the coming months. So all you Arachnids keep on spinning and weaving away out there and keep posting porjects to inspire us all!                        Tina



It did in most ways, but it seems a lot of time has passed since I finished the projects I started at the beginning of the month.  In fact, while the days pass really quickly, being so productive makes it seem like there are more days in the month.

Be sure to check the week 4 thread, as a lot of people are stull posting to it.


you mean about time - its seems like months since I took my "Swedish" towel class and it was only a three weeks ago!


month indeed! 

I ran to Forma Fiber yesterday to pick up the 59 ends that I was short warp for the placemats and picked up some red and orange along with some wool.  Love that store!

Planning on making a second rep weave runner in our heritage flag colors for my brother.  Did the drafting last night, shew, what an undertaking that was!

This past month was a blast !  Thanks to all of you for your feedback, comments, motivation, etc........


The first of the month I stayed on track, then life got in the way. Although technically I wove over 30" in the month so it averaged out to 1" per day. Still not quite the goal of weaving every day. What I like about this challenge is that it is one I can continue to strive towards until the next Halloweave! Thanks for sharing the journey with me! Erica