OK, I bought some 12/6 seine twin and it arrived on saturday. I want to do a rug 28x48. The twine gets 13 epi.

according to the book " Rag rug handbook" this is how I should caculate it

13 epi x 28"= 364 ends

48" rug length  + 20% take up ( 9.6 ") +12" fringe+36 " loom waste=105.6 warp length

105.6 divided by 36=2.93333 yards or 3 yards

so it should be 3 yards x 364 yarp ends?

the book says to use a filler until the warp threads are spaced evenly and then add a 1/2 inch to 1" header using the same warp thread doubled.

If I want to put on enought warp  to make 2 rugs do I just double the yards, instead of a 3 yard warp,make it a 6 yard warp?

I just want to check everything before i start.

this will be my first weaving project on a floor loom

thanks for your help



mrdubyah (not verified)

Looks like you've got the math right.  This may seem like a stupid question, but do you have a reed that will do 13 epi?  If not, you'll have to get one or adjust your spacing to match a reed you have.  Also, if you're going to go through all the work of dressing the loom, you should at LEAST put on enough for two rugs. 


I have used 12/6 seine at 8 epi with good results.


my reed is a 12 dent, that was going to be my next question.. If I use this, how do I adjust the threding..if I want to putonenough warp for 2rugs, do I just double the yards.. instead of 3 yards for 1 rug, 6 yards for 2, but use the same amount of ends?



Karen, I just re checked my epi... duh, I was looking at the ruller wrong. I got 30 epi using 12/6 seine from yarn barn.. I have a 12 dend reed and a 8 dent reed, howwould I thread this to make it work with either of these reeds..  I can use either of them, which wouldwork better and how would I thread it.. I feel like dummy..



The fact that you're asking questions shows you're no dummy. I'm in the learning process just like you, but I can answer some of your questions from my limited experience. If you want 8 epi, the 8 dent reed will be simplest to use. Use one thread per heddle and one thread per dent. You can double the two outermost threads on each side (2 threads in heddle and dent) for a stronger selvedge. A straight draw threading (1 2 3 4) for a simple twill works well for a rag rug. I'm away from home this week, so I don't have my notes or resources in front of me, but if you have The Big Book of Weaving, you will see a simple twill rag rug as one of the beginning projects. Those are the instructions I followed to do a twill rug. Of course, plain weave works, too! In my humble opinion, short warps are great for a new weaver. Less intimidating, AND you get more practice putting on a warp - that's a good thing because the repetition will build your confidence. But that's just me; I love dressing the loom. I hope that helps! Remember - have fun!


Karen, ok, but of my epi is 30, and  I want to use a 8 dent reed. I would need a different threading then right,not one per heddle and 1 per dent. oh, I am getting confused..

thanks carole

you said you have used the 12/6 seine, do you get 30 epi with it too, or am I doing it wrong

thanks carole

ellows (not verified)

I make most of my rugs with an 8 dent reed. I thread one end per dent. I don't know what you are using for weft but I have made jeans and cotton rugs and I think that 30 epi is too much warp for your rugs, if those are the kind you are making too. I know other people like a 12 dent reed for their rugs, but 8 is just fine. 


Ends Per Inch - Carole, you may be wrapping the yarn around a ruler to figure out the epi, but it's easy to get confused with the figuring. If you use an 8 dent reed, with one thread per dent, you will have the needed 8 epi for a typical rag rug. If you use a sett of 30 epi you're likely to be disappointed with the results, if a typical rag rug is what you're after. 12/6 seine twine works just fine at 8 epi, regardless of what your wrapping results might be. In which case, you would make your yarn calculations using 8 as your ends per inch. 8 epi x 28" = number of ends


You only need to put 48" rug length  + 20% take up ( 9.6 ") +12" fringe for another rug. the loomwaste is the same. 


Karen,yes, i used the wrapping ruler method, thats what most books I have read tell you to do. I will use one endper reed dent Thanks so much for your help




thanks for your response..I appreciate everyones help


Cheryl M White


When you wrap the yarn around the ruler, I think you will find that the directions say to wrap one inch, but then to divide in 1/2 (for plain weave), so it's what is on 1/2" that is your plain weave sett.  If you got 30 wraps to an inch, that would be 15. however,you have gotten some good suggestions for a set for rag rugs.  You want there to be some space in the warps so the pretty colors of your rags show.

Good luck




yes,thats what I did, so I had 30 epi and I divide it by 2 and 15 is what I get, but i am going to try Karens suggestions and use my 8 dent reed and use 1 end per slot. Since  this is my first rug and she has woven many, I think I will go with the tried and true! I am so grateful for everyone on weavolution..

thanks carole


Keep in mind Carole that the weft has to undulate through the warp, so wrapping tight together on a ruler is not what's going to happen on your loom. And some yarns by their nature do not pack tightly and some you don't want to because the texture and drape of the piece is affected. Plus if there are floats to the warp or weft in your draft of the project, that changes the sett to. So many do what we call sampling with the yarn. But here you have some experience to drawn on from others using your yarn. Seems 8 epi is what to do. :)


Reed guy

that makes alot of sense, can you explain sampling to me?

thanks alot



A sample is like creating a swatch of cloth. You test your yarn for various sett with a particular draft, also the "hand" and drape of the cloth when woven and keep notes for reference. Here is an example I did with some 2-ply wool (860 yards/lb). I began this swatch with a sett of 8 epi and found it was stretched horizontal compared to the draft. I then wove 12 epi and found the weave became square. There are a lot of flots and it gives the fabric a raised effect. On my regular Goose eye twill blankets I find a sett of 8 is used to get the squareness for the diamond shapes, same yarn.

Link to draft and sample