I recently purchased a 1975 Mama Liisa that was sold as a 16 harness but was really only 4.  After a bit of research and speaking to several wonderful people at Webs, Toika, Gilmarka, and Weavolution, we decided to have my husband make the parts to give me 12 harnesses.  He did a fabulous job (and in only 3 days!) - and the total cost was $120.  The new parts look just like the original.  Now I am ready to start putting these on the loom.  I've got just a couple questions about heddles and cording.  I have the original stringe heddles (most have never been used) and all the tie-up cord is still in very good shape. 

If I was to get the new Texslov heddles, can I use them along with the original string heddles?  If so, would I intermix them or put all of one type on one harness?  My string heddles are 11" and I can buy the new ones at 11", but I don't know how the center of the new ones would line up with the old ones.  (Getting heddles for 12 harnesses would be cost prohibitive for me at one time.)  Or should I make my own string heddles? 

Should I break down and get new cording and re-do all of the tie-ups or would it be ok to just get cording for the new parts?

One last question (or observation).  I noticed in photos that treadles are sometimes put on with the curved part on top and sometimes on the bottom.  Is there a reason for this or does it matter?  After reading the threads about being able to locate the treadles, I was thinking that maybe if everyother one was up and down that maybe your foot could tell the difference, and that might help.  I still think I am going to have Jack make me a treadle gate, just in case.



Yvonne K

12 shafts do not necessarily require more heddles than you have now. You can take the finest sett you think you will weave, say, 30 ends per inch. Multiply this by the maximum weaving width of your loom. this is the number of heddles you need. But, to avoid shifting heddles from shaft to shaft for different threading requirements, it is nice to have plenty on each shaft, but not essential. About the tie up cord: as Sarah Von Tresckow said in a recent post, the chances of buying linen loom cord are very slim. It would probably be best to replace all the tie- up and shaft cords with Texsolv.

D-Stitchins Studio

When I updated my Glimakra a couple of years ago, I added new Texsolv heddles to the original string heddles without experiencing any negative issues.  I did, however, put all the new heddles on separate shafts from the string heddles.  The eyes did not line up exactly even, but were off only slightly, so this did not affect my weaving at all.