getting underway. So far so good on my activity front. I have managed to weave or do something weaverly every day this month. Today I am finishing up the keep it simple towels. Should be abel to easily finish the last towel today and start in on the hemming. From everyone's post we all seem to be making good progress on weaverly activities. Keep up the good work - THe end of the month will be here before we know it!                                                              Tina



I've woven about 9" this week. I'm weaving more herringbone fabric using a blue weft instead of the green from the shawl. The light of this picture gives the fabric a more irridescent look then it really has, the warp is actually grey, but I like the look of these pictures! :)


Erica - I really like that color! Just finished cutting the Keep It Simple towels off the loom. I ended up with five towels - two maroon and three green, along with a small rag. Four of them will go to my sister - one for me to keep or give away. Will post pics once they are hemmed and washed.


Mohair throw is in the water right now. First I wet-finished the sample piece, and it came out good. The sample piece turns out to be just right for a short scarf. I left fringe on both long sides of the scarf, which makes it fun. I'll post pics tomorrow.


Just finished figuring all of the calculations.  I'm hoping I didn't miss anything.  Just in case I added quite a bit (in case of operator error).  Will be warping tomorrow.  

Erica, that fabric is beautiful!

Tina.....keep one for you! that's my vote  :)


And regroup for the skirt project. Design is not as simple as it may seem. This is going to be a huge challenge for me, but I will not let it beat me. :) Was going to do a simple twill - however it is diagonal and with a center panel that just won't do. Now to design the tie -up/treadling for the center panel. I think if I flip my pattern for each piece that should take care of the side and back panels. This is too much fun. The design is as much fun as the weaving.


but I did get the first zig zags done and the towels cut apart ready to hem. That will happen tomorrow evening!

rlmarchand (not verified)

I wove a mobius and a scarf since October 1st.  I'm really excited and am planning on winding a warp tomorrow.

ChrisWeaveMaine (not verified)

I'm late to join, but I've been weaving every day.  I finished a shawl with my homespun and have wound a warp of sock yarn for a wide scarf for my daughter. (It's a shawl, let's face it, but she's too young and cool to call it that.)  Instead of working on my looms today, I worked on weaving new seats on some lawn chairs -- although with temperatures in the 20's tonight, it will be some time before I'll need them outside.


post your projects to the projects pages so they are eligible for the prizes at the end of all of this! Everyone has been so busy and productive - makes me proud!


are hemmed and in the wash - once they are dry I will post pictures. Now on to my Double Dares dare!


cotton and linen towels I made in class last week. Some of the selvedges are a bit wonky but not too bad - I think had I been better at keeping the linen damp the selvedges might have looked a bit smoother - that's my story and I am keeping to it!


Very nice.  I love the forrest and tan together.

Warped the yarn for the skirt, dressing the loom tomorrow is the game plan.

Mindy Stowers (not verified)

This is my project I have been working on.  I also have 6 scarves warped and ready when I am done with these towels.


Mindy. Can't wait to see what you have planned for the skirt Cheryl!


I'm done with my 70" shawl.  I had to choose between posting and weaving, and so wove.  On Monday my wearerly time was spent teaching someone else to spin, and doing some myself.

I'm proud of myself that I didn't just collapse on Tuesday nights -- that is one of my big challenges.

Unfortunately my son hasn't gotten back to me with a chemistry solution to the photoluminescent dye question.  No joy on that front.

The spinning for the lion is progressing.  I'd say 80% of the mane is washed.  I do this by getting netting fabric and laying 5 locks across the edge, rolling a turn, laying out 5 more locks, etc., and finally tying them like link sausages.  I then use really hot water and dish detergent.  I have about 1.5 lbs of body yarn spun.

I also have over half the fleece for the commission piece washed, all in bags.  Unfortunately, it got caught in the rain, so it's re-drying.  I have some of the yarn for that project dyed red -- 2 shades of Lanaset, which I then blend.  It somehow looks more "natural" (even though it's totally synthetic) if the dye is not uniform.


Started weaving the skirt fabric.....I'm really happy with how this is turning out.


Double Dares challenge - I am going small with a simple sample for four shaft double weave - making mug rugs - not very daring but getting my feet wet on this technique


I have finished the towel warp and warped for two mohair boucle scarves. This project could be part of the frightful fibers challenge, but so far the yarn is acting exemplary. I'm weaving a balanced plain weave at 4,5 ppi, and the scarf looks more like a fish net than cloth on the loom. I try to have faith in my calculations and sample when I carefully push each pick towards the fell line. It seems counter intuitive to leave the yarn almost a centimeter from the last pick. It's Sunday morning here, and before I continue weaving, I want to hem the towels, and, if I can find light enough, take pictures of them.