20/2 unmercerized natural cotton; I special ordered this American grown cotton, spun in GA and twisted/wound in NC. This yarn is ring spun with a high twist, very nice and strong put up on 4 pound cones, $9.50 pound. I have 6 cones for sale. I now have 1 cones for sale






 210/2 spun silk, natural. I ordered this silk for a lady that in the end went with 60/2 spun silk. This silk is put up on 250 gram cones cost $33 cone ($.132 gram) I have 8 cones at this price.



[email protected] 


sally orgren

Recommended sett for both products?

Michael White

On the 20/2; 30, 36, 48, 68 for Lace, plain weave and twills.

On the silk I am not certain so you would have to sample starting with 240-280 epi depending on what you are planning to weave.



sally orgren


Sorry, I was thinking both products were silk, as my guildmate ordered 20/2 silk from you in the recent past. (What is the recommended sett for the 20/2 silk product?)

BTW, she was telling us how she was *totally* amazed by your prompt delivery and beyond expectations customer service. Way to go!


tien (not verified)

For the 210/2 silk, it might be a little less dense than 240-280 epi.  120/2 silk I've seen sett at anywhere from 60 to 120, so I'd start at 120 -150, personally.  You get a lot more leeway on sett with fine threads.

I'd order some, as I've been looking for 210/2 silk for some time, but I'm way beyond broke right now due to our purchase of a new house and upcoming move.  I'll think about it for later, though.

Michael White

Thanks for the information about the silk set. Hope you built a nice "studio"at your new house. Hope all the moving does hurt your hip.



lkautio (not verified)

The rule of thumb (based on geometry calculations) is that when you quadruple the yards per pound, you double the sett, all things (fiber, spin, etc.) being equal.  So, it ought to be a bit less than twice the setts of 60/2 which would get you in the range of 100-150 epi depending on the interlacement.  That jives with some of the setts I have seen in the Complex Weavers Fine Threads study group.  Lillian Whipple runs the group and keeps a list of suppliers of fine yarns, so if you will have this available regularly, you might want to let her know.  I've used 210/2 silk as tabby with a 140/2 silk warp and 60/2 pattern weft (among other combinations).  It is remarkably strong and not as scary as the numbers would suggest.

Laurie Autio

Michael White

Laurie, thanks for this information. Fine silk, I have sold reeled filature silk at 25,000 yards per 100 grams. 210/2 is 10,000 yards per 100 grams. I have sold some of this dyed on cones. I will contact Ms Whipple.
