well I just got home last nite from making a trade with a lady.  I had a small bergman loom that she wanted and I got a cranbrook loom 60" in trade and a little cash to her.  I love it and already have it set up.  here is a link to some pics.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/34657716@N02/

my question is how do I find out how old it it?  the model number on  the plate is A-65 7732 1072.  I"m wanting to get an idea on its age.  its not made form maple as some i've heard were.  look like oak or ash.  .thanks mark


EleanorPeregrine (not verified)


I just got a new to me Cranbrook as well.  I got it at a local community colege loom auction for $260. It is is pieces in my living room.  I'll be rearranging, cleaning, and making an inventory before trying to put it together.

I also got a 42" cherry Norwood with 4hx6t.  It will be in the same room.  Thinking I will have to enclose the patio and make a weaving studio out of it pretty soon.  :-)


Happy weaving!


Hello Mark. The Schacht website has a listing of some of the old model numbers and dates. Hope this helps, Linette


mine has the metal chains instead of texsolv or string.  I'm in the process of changing all that over to texsolv.  I got it tyed or changed up to see how it treadled but the crazy chains kept falling off and my fingers dont' work well with tiny chains to hook them up.  I got the holes drilled and started measuing texsolv cord and started hooking that up.  its a lot easier to work with.  Plus my fingers don't get dirty from all the dirt and grim plus oil that was on the chain. 

Some day i will install an extra 4 harnesses to make it 8 total.  but for now 4 is enough and I can weave a wide piece of cloth.  can't wait to get started weaving on it. 

saffrondyeworks (not verified)

Wow! you got a Cranbrook for $260 that has to be the deal of the century. Way to go! That's a great loom. :)