We're shooting an instructional video on Craftsy this week. Check out our blog post about our trip so far!



I don't see the blog post, but I'm interested in reading it.

Did you know that we offer live online classes on Weavolution? We're happy to have more teachers. Contact me if you or your staff are interested in teaching online, but offering live classes!



ezuyokmirrix (not verified)

Oops! Here's the blog post! Could you send me some more information about how your online classes work for the teachers?




I sent you the information sheets. In case any ohter interested teachers end up here, I'll give a quick run down.

Cyber Fiber Classes are run online using the industry standard Adobe Connect web conferencing service. Teachers log in and start the class, using a webcam and a microphone you interact with your students in much the same way you do in a face to face class. The advantage of our classes is that they are live, so students can ask questions immediately. Instructors can also get feedback on students interests. 

The information sheets I've sent give a much more detailed out line of the class format. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

