Ashford Tradtional Drive Band

There is an Ashford Traddy that has been sitting for 10 years. Drive band is missing.

What do I use for the drive band and do I need to replace the brake band?

Have a good day!

Franco Rios



We got an Ashford Traditional for Christmas this year from the kids.   It vcame with a piece of plain cotton string, looks like what used to tie packages with.  its soft, has about 12 plies and made 15 wraps in an inch on a pencil.

swelch (not verified)

I recently got an old (ok, VERY old) Ashford traditional working, which was missing both the brake band and drive band... and some other bits as well.  As jenjscott mentioned, simple cotton string did the trick for the drive band, I used pretty much the same as she described.  For the brake band, my local spinning shop recommended fishing line of all things, which actually works perfectly.

I have to say, considering how tortured this wheel looked when I started, it was a snap to get working again.  Those Ashford Traditionals sure are built for the long haul...

francorios (not verified)

Cotton string for drive band. We used that on our Reeves Traddy when we had one. Tied with weavers knot/square knot. Any body have experience with the plastic drive bands that get cut and melted together? Have a good day!

nancyjpwilson (not verified)

I have a traditional Ashford wheel and use a plastic drive band. I've had that drive band for over 20 yrs. if it breaks, I heat up the ends with a match and re attach it. I really like using the plastic band.

Marianne88 (not verified)

I am expecting a used Ashford Traditional spinning wheel that I bought on ebay and I found on the website of Ashford some interesting videos on how to spin and maintening the spinning wheel.

I know also that we could buy an Ashford maintenance kit which has  a drive band in the kit.

Rounder (not verified)

Hi, I used nylon cord that I placed around the wheel and pulley to measure for a close fit. I undid the cord from the wheel/pulley but left it otherwise on the Traditional and melted the ends with a candle. I pushed them together and before it cooled, I rolled the joint to the diameter of the cord. It works very well and runs smoothly with out the knot.
Regards, Zig