We’ve got a bad case of shuttlemania - click here to read more about our latest obsession on the Woolery blog.

Our latest contest is happening in our Ravelry group - click here for more information and details on how to enter! 

Each person who shares their shuttle show & tell in our Ravelry group will be entered for a chance to win one of these fantastic LeClerc boat shuttles - we're also offering an additional chance to win for Ravelers who join our Weavolution group...so for those of you who have been with us since the beginning, we'd like to offer you an additional chance to win:  simply post in our Ravelry group that you've joined us via Weavolution!  Sound good? 

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We’ll be randomly selecting our winner next Wednesday, January 18. Good luck and thanks for entering!


The WooleryGuy (not verified)

If you didn't win our last giveaway over in our sister group on Ravelry, you have another chance to win a LeClerc Boat shuttle!  Our latest giveaway is now open on our Facebook Fan Page. Click here for details on how to enter - one winner will be selected next Wednesday, January 25th. Good luck!