My wife has been weaving for about 3 years at a local city supported Art Center.

I bought a Macomber Loom for her in October, the person who I purchased it from thought that it was 40 or 50 years old.  It does not have a mark on it.

It is a Model B-4 - Serial # 2258x - It is a 48" Loom with 12 Harnesses, 14 Treadles and has room for 3 additional Harnesses and two beams on the rear, one

with sections and one without.

The overall width of the loom measured from the inside of each castle is  54 5/8 in. and the depth measured from the inside of the castle is 7 9/16 in.

My wife loves her new loom and I am looking for and additional items that I could purchase for her that she might enjoy.  She has a couple of nice

Shuttles and I purchased a 48' Fluorescent fixture with 4 Daylight Bulbs, which I suppended from the ceiling with 4 small chains, so that we could adjust height for

the best lighting conditions. Since the unit was designed to be installed on the ceiling I painted a 1/8 in. piece of plywood and mounted on the top of the fixture

so that all of the light would be directed ownward.

I am getting ready this week to make her a Bobbin Winder.  Any sugguestions of ideas on items for would be helpful for my wife would greatly be appreciated.




mrdubyah (not verified)

Macomber looms are assigned their serial numbers sequentially from 1 to 10,000.  When they reach 10,000 the numbers start over.  They've apparently made three or four cycles through the numbers so far.  (See  If you call Macomber and describe your loom they can probably tell you when it was made (and maybe who first bought it).  

As for gifts, does it have a sectional warping beam?  Does she have a warping board?  A spool rack and tensioner?  How about a second back beam for double weave?  Is there room to add more harnesses?  Tools are always helpful too.  The possibilities are endless.               DRW

Michael White

WElcome to the macomber group. If you contact Sarah at [email protected] she should be able to give you some details on your loom. 

Like DRW said you can always find something she needs. Start with the basics like a raddle and lease sticks, yarn, the small hand tools, reed and heddle hooks etc.



SallyE (not verified)

You could make her a warping mill!