Hello All! I've been thinking of weaving myself another backstrap, possibly with adjustable loops on the ends, and i'm curious to find out what your backstraps look like, how you made them (particularly how they attach to your loom rods) and whether you find them comfy enough for all those hours on end you spend strapped in! The strap I use at the moment is incredibly comfortable, but i'm getting tired of the tough, wrapped ends and the fact that it is really a bit too long, meaning I'm often stretching to reach the working space, not good news! I'll post a photo of it when I can to show you what I mean! What makes the ideal backstrap?


bolivian warmi

Testing to see if I can post a picture link from Flickr...

yay...finally figured out how to do it.

Claudia Segal (not verified)

Nice guitar strap! Sorry to go off topic.  I'm hoping to bring my backstrap weaving along on my upcoming 2 week vacation.  I can't imagine 2 weeks of no weaving and there's lots of backstrap weaving to learn!


bolivian warmi

Maybe take a pair of clamps too just in case you can't find a place to tie onto. Clamps on table tops in hotel rooms work.