I just purchased a 20" Ashford Knitter's Loom for christmas. I can't wait to warp it up on 12/25!!!!


I have been a spinner but dropped out when I purchased a horse 9 years ago. Now I am in a neck brace from a serious horseback riding accident (trying out a horse to purchase) and have decided to go back to something less dangerous! :)


Looking forward to weaving the New Year IN!!





and have fun with your loom. Hopefully it will help in your recovery process! IT can't hurt!


nope and I am so excited to try weaving again on something simpler. I had a Baby Wolf and it was so intimidating that I finally sold it. 

since I can only sit up for about an hour at a time right now, this will be perfect for me.

illoominated (not verified)

Welcome to the Ashford!  I love mine.  Yesterday I warped and wove a dreamy varigated blue alpaca scarf.  Mmmmmmmm, I love my rigid heddle loom!  HAVE FUN!  


I hope you enjoy your new toy.  It should provide hours of fun.  It will give you something to be planning and dreaming about when you can't be up.  Hope your recovery is fast.

Jenny in Charlevoix the Beautiful