As a rigid heddle weaver, I have only used a stick shuttle. What type of shuttle would you recommend to use with the Dorset 4-shaft floor loom?


Badfaerie (not verified)

I don't think there is a best shuttle, no "one Shuttle to rule them all".

First, your shuttle has to be suitable for your project and loom. You'll have to use ski shuttles and/or rag shuttles for rugs and bulky wefts. Boat shuttles or end feed for finer wefts. You can certainly use your stick shuttles as well.

Next, your shuttle needs to fit your loom. It shouldn't be taller than your shed. There's no need for a 16" end feed shuttle if your loom only has a 15" weaving width. If you loom doesn't have a shuttle race, you will probably want to avoid overly heavy shuttles.

You want the shuttle to be smooth gliding though the shed and smooth releasing the weft. If it has burrs on the bottom or the bobbin catches or anything like that, have it repaired or replace it.

Finally, you are going to spend a lot of time fondling your shuttles, so pick ones that feel good in yoru hands. I've re-homed all my shuttles that aren't Bluster Bay, not because they are bad shuttles, but because I enjoy using the BB ones so much the other shuttles weren't getting any play time. It makes weaving so much better when the act of holding the shuttle by itself makes you smile.

Realize as well, if you continue weaving there will me many shuttles in yoru life, not just one. Prepare yourself now


In addition to the above, the shuttle should also fit your hand.  I use Leclerc shuttles - learned how to weave with them but they also just feel right - but a friend with much smaller hands was having problems holding them.  Harrisville makes a shorter shuttle that might fit a smaller hand better than a standard Leclerc (or Schacht, which is about the same size).

If you have a guild or group of weavers in your area you might try a few different ones before buying.




And I prefer my AVL end feed shuttles and my Lao silk shuttles for their different weights based on the project. So you need to know it is ok to have different shuttle preferences.


All of the above is sound advice.  I've never tried BB and I know I should.  My second favorite shuttle is a big LeClerc.  My favorite is of unknown origin, bigger than the biggest LeClerc, and solid walnut.

The heavier the shuttle, the easier it is to throw it across wide warps.

As long as the bobbin is not over-filled, I haven't seen much of a difference between closed & open bottom.  It just needs to glide well, feel good to the hand, and feed the thread without catching. 

I'm inept with stick shuttles.  Ski shuttles are more manageable, but don't get one so long that it can't turn around outside of the warp if your loom is close to a wall.  This is also  a problem with stick shuttles.


My all time favorite shuttles are Schacht. They fit my hand, are the correct weight for me, fit my loom, etc.  I use both the open bottom boat and end feed shuttles by Schacht. I've tried a lot of shuttles and still go for the Schachts.  The only way to know is to try different ones and get what you like.



Thank you for all the helpful comments. I went to my LYS today which is also a Schacht dealer and "tried" a Schacht shuttle. It felt good and ordered one. I am thinking of taking a ride into the country and visit the Mannings, only one hour away from where I live. They should have a wider selection and I should be able to get a second one. Can't wait. Naturally now I need a bobbin winder..... :-)

Loom_a_tic (not verified)

I too am making the leap from my rigid heddle to a table and/or floor loom.  I had no idea what to do about shuttles either, so thank you all for me too!