What books or resources have you found that give a clear explanation of how to read and use profile drafts? I have only a foggy understanding and would like to learn more.


toomany (not verified)

I learned how profile drafts work by looking at Strickler's "Weavers' Book of 8 Shaft Patterns".  There is not much of a written explanation but by studying the examples I figured it out.  (not right away!)  I didn't have a big weaving library at the time.   A really good book, that spells it out for you is Van der Hoogt's Complete Book of Drafting.  Have fun, once the light turns on it really is interesting!

tien (not verified)

Robyn Spady posted a pretty comprehensive list awhile back on Weaving Today: http://www.weavingtoday.com/forums/p/357/638.aspx#638

I'd look there first.  There's a lot of great books and articles, some of which are available online.

There is also an article in the latest issue of Handwoven (my article, in fact!) that talks about how to use profile drafts.  It's pretty condensed, but maybe it will help?

The best discussion of profile drafts is in Madelyn van der Hoogt's Complete Book of Drafting.  I found it a bit confusing as a total newbie but once I figured out the basics of drafts it made profile drafts very clear.


Thanks, toomany and tien, for aiming me in the right direction. First off, I'm going to go read your article, Tien! I do have a good collection of past issues of Handwoven -- thanks to Robin Spady's list, now I know which ones to pull out to read. I need to go back and re-read Madelyn's book; maybe I will understand it better the 2nd time. And I just ordered Strickler's 8-Shaft Patterns.

I guess I'm all set to learn, learn, learn.


What great information! I read Tien's article this afternoon and things are starting to make sense. Now, your more detailed instructions are just what I need. Thank you so much!

lkautio (not verified)

I learned from the Angstadt book, just looking at it and trying to work it out.  The best book I have seen is Doramay Keasbey's Designing with Blocks.  My students generally find it easier to understand than Complete Book of Drafting.  The hardest part about profile drafting is understanding the structure you change the profile into well enough to make it do what you desire.  Profile drafting itself is simple.

Laurie Autio


I'm eager to learn, so I just ordered Designing with Blocks. Thanks!