Good Morning all,

 I bought Sara's manuel/blog and am really enjoying reading it and learning. Last night I saw the suggestion of dropping the front beam to see your rug while it is in process. Now I knew that the front dropped down to warp and tie up but it never dawned on me to try it when I had a rug on there! in my project is a picture of my latest rug in process. I can see what it is going to look like and measure it if I want to also. How fun is that going to be. ! Thank You Sara. I love your collection of information and the reprints of information that came with the new looms. As I bought mine used and in piecesit is great to see all this.

Thanks Sara!



mrdubyah (not verified)

That rug is coming along beautifully.  What makes the white selvedge?

SDSue (not verified)

Very nice rug and so cool that you can look at it! Isn't it amazing what our Macomber looms can do.

marlenedg (not verified)

The white selvages on the rt side is the rug underneath. I went in tonight after a long day in town and finished that rug. I put a grey end on it and now tomorrow I'll do the binding . I want to try the tie up of weaving in a rod and cutting and then tieing on the rod to the apron. So I am going to do that next.

Thanks so much for your nice comments. It means a lot.
